Living-with-machines / alto2txt

Convert ALTO XML to plain text + minimal metadata
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Add page number to metadata output #73

Open fedenanni opened 1 year ago

fedenanni commented 1 year ago

Hi all, @kmcdono2 mentioned that it would be very useful to have the page number added to the metadata information that alto2txt keeps (so that this would be included in the db as well). Not sure about the complexity of it but I'm opening the issue so this is captured

griff-rees commented 1 year ago

Hey @fedenanni would you like to open a ticket for that in in the db repo as well to coordinate? Some sort of laundry list (and sorry if some of this is already included in alto2txt...) like:

griff-rees commented 1 year ago

@fedenanni and @kmcdono2: do you mean

kmcdono2 commented 1 year ago

As a priority, we would like the page number the Entry begins on.

If it is easy to do, then yes a list of pages an Entry covers would be nice, but it's not a necessity.

griff-rees commented 1 year ago

Cool. It's not too hard to add those options on Item model in the database but I'm much less familiar with how that relates to what currently comes out of alto2txt.

griff-rees commented 1 year ago

And apologies @kmcdono2 and @fedenanni: they're Items not Entry (ies). My mistake.

kmcdono2 commented 1 year ago

Cool. It's not too hard to add those options on Item model in the database but I'm much less familiar with how that relates to what currently comes out of alto2txt.

Yes, we understand that the newspaper metadata captures this in a slightly awkward way. It's been more than a year since I've seen the raw metadata, but others will know more who have been working with it.

dcsw2 commented 1 year ago

Hey @griff-rees, this is great. Just to be clear: the reason for wanting this is to allow us to access the original page images, which is a vital step in our research workflow. One method for doing this would be use the BNA's public web interface and to infer a URL from the DB metadata which links directly to the actual page image. Without the page numbers you can't do this. If there's a way to get actual polygon co-ordinates for an article, that would be even better. Page numbers are also useful for citation, but not essential as a finding aid, for which there could be even better methods. I'm adding @npedrazzini to this thread to complete the circle!

griff-rees commented 1 year ago

Hey @dcsw2 and @npedrazzini: yeah actual page images was my long term hope (@DavidBeavan this ring any bells from our recent chat?) but didn't know some of that was already public. Very up for a chat about this.

For clarity: by "polygon coordinates" do you mean page coordinates an article inhabits? Only other thought that came to mind is geographic coordinates of location that the article refers to or (or location of where it was printed). Also: I'm guessing by BNA you mean British National Archives?

kmcdono2 commented 1 year ago

@griff-rees - By page images, we mean what is available via the BNA (British Newspaper Archive) interface (, hence the effort to reconstruct the URLs for that website. We know that access to images otherwise is far to complex to attempt :)

Just want to clarify @dcsw2's point above - we do care about page numbers as a unit of analysis. E.g. we want to know how many toponyms appear on page 1 vs later pages of an issue.

Yes @griff-rees, "polygon coordinates" will refer to the layout location of the article in the page, not the shapes of the toponyms on the page.

dcsw2 commented 1 year ago

Yes, as Katie says: I meant co-ordinates on the page – this was purely a greedy UX request as it would be great to snap straight to the relevant article on the page, as they can often take a while to find. Very-much not essential, the page number is key though.

npedrazzini commented 1 year ago

Hi all, mapping article number with page number is relatively simple - I'm wondering what the easiest way would be for me to potentially share the mapping at article level? A big CSV? @griff-rees, from the PoV of the DB, what would work best?

Also, it just so happens that I have a script that, given an article, takes its coordinates and highlights them on the image. We could adapt that if it's what you're looking for?

kmcdono2 commented 1 year ago

@npedrazzini I think that's exactly what @dcsw2 is thinking of - we want to quickly see what content on the page is related to the data we have.

kallewesterling commented 1 year ago

In conversation with @kmcdono2 and @dcsw2, it became apparent that this is a crucial thing for the metadata db to include (which then also relates to the output from alto2txt as we're using that for ingestation into the db). I think it shouldn't be an add-on script (like you suggest @npedrazzini) but something that we include in the minimal metadata output from alto2txt if possible.

As for your request for polygon, @dcsw2, that is a different feature request, which I think deserves its own issue.

How can we make page numbers a reality as it relates to fairly soon-to-come research output, relating to the toponym research? Let's chat more.

kallewesterling commented 1 year ago

Recent chat between myself and @DavidBeavan (for documentation here):

DavidBeavan commented 1 year ago

I can do one better to produce

<item id="art0012">
--- a/src/alto2txt/xslts/extract_text_mets18.xslt
+++ b/src/alto2txt/xslts/extract_text_mets18.xslt
@@ -59,6 +59,21 @@

         <xsl:variable name="item_page_areas" select="exsl:node-set($item_page_areas_rt)" />

+        <xsl:variable name="item_mets_order_rt">
+          <xsl:for-each select="key('smLocatorLink_href', $item_ID_hash)/../mets:smArcLink/@xlink:to">
+            <xsl:variable name="pagearea" select="key('smLocatorLink_label', .)/@xlink:href" />
+            <xsl:variable name="pagearea_unhash" select="substring($pagearea, 2)" />
+            <xsl:variable name="key_out" select="key('structMap', $pagearea_unhash)" />
+            <xsl:for-each select="$key_out[@TYPE='pagearea']|$key_out/mets:div[@TYPE='pagearea']">
+              <xsl:if test="mets:fptr/mets:area[@BETYPE='IDREF']">
+                <mets_order><xsl:value-of select="../@ORDER" /></mets_order>
+              </xsl:if>
+            </xsl:for-each>
+          </xsl:for-each>
+        </xsl:variable>
+        <xsl:variable name="item_mets_order" select="exsl:node-set($item_mets_order_rt)" />
         <exsl:document method="text" href="{$output_path}_{$item_ID}.txt">
             <xsl:when test="$item_page_areas//String|$item_page_areas//HYP">
@@ -127,6 +142,7 @@
                 <date><xsl:value-of select="/mets:mets/mets:dmdSec[@ID=$issue_DMDID]//mods:dateIssued" /></date>
                   <xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="$item_ID" /></xsl:attribute>
+                  <mets_orders><xsl:copy-of select="$item_mets_order" /></mets_orders>
                   <plain_text_file><xsl:value-of select="$output_document_stub" />_<xsl:value-of select="$item_ID" />.txt</plain_text_file>
                   <title><xsl:value-of select="/mets:mets/mets:dmdSec[@ID=$item_DMDID]//mods:title" /></title>
                   <item_type><xsl:value-of select="@TYPE" /></item_type>
kmcdono2 commented 1 year ago

Hi both - this is really amazing. @dcsw2 and I are trying to plan a data exploration & writing sprint for our toponyms article.

Is there a potentially realistic timeframe in which we might be able to have metadata about items our our sample that contains page numbers? (E.g. is that a possible takeaway from the examples above?)

kallewesterling commented 1 year ago

We have a hack session scheduled for Friday, so hopefully we'll have a positive update after that! See #83.

kallewesterling commented 1 year ago

@DavidBeavan just got a JISC sample down here and posting it below.

Looks like this is the hierarchy we're looking for here (see below). BL_newspaper -> BL_article -> image_metadata -> pageImage -> pageSequence

Still looking for other formats!

<BL_newspaper xmlns:dc=""
      <title>Reynolds&apos;s Newspaper</title>
      <normalisedTitle>Reynolds&apos;s Newspaper</normalisedTitle>
        <name>Reynolds&apos;s Weekly News</name>
        <startDate day="05" month="05" year="1850"/>
        <endDate day="09" month="02" year="1851"/>
      <datesOfPublication>5 May 1850 - 2 Feb 1851; 9 Feb 1851 - 30 Dec 1900</datesOfPublication>
      <subCollection>London Weekly</subCollection>
      <printedDate>SUNDAY, JANUARY 02, 1870</printedDate>
        <dc:Title>FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE.</dc:Title>
        <dc:Type>Newspaper article</dc:Type>
        <dcterms:bibliographicCitation>Reynolds&apos;s Newspaper, 1012, 0001, SUNDAY, JANUARY 02, 1870</dcterms:bibliographicCitation>
        <dcterms:isPartOf>Reynolds&apos;s Newspaper</dcterms:isPartOf>
        <dc:Rights>Copyright &#x00A9; The British Library Board</dc:Rights>
        <illustrations indicator="no"/>
        <conversionCredit>Apex CoVantage, LLC</conversionCredit>
          <articleWord coord="136,15,343,64">FOREIGN</articleWord>
          <articleWord coord="330,10,642,60">INTELLIGENCE.</articleWord>
          <articleWord coord="298,87,455,125">s&quot;xRs</articleWord>
          <articleWord coord="79,116,344,158">RE3TGNATION</articleWord>
          <articleWord coord="335,116,409,152">OF</articleWord>
          <articleWord coord="408,114,507,151">THE</articleWord>
          <articleWord coord="498,109,697,149">MIN13T&amp;Y.</articleWord>
          <articleWord coord="35,153,107,191">Tbe,</articleWord>
          <articleWord coord="102,152,245,189">Emperor</articleWord>
          <articleWord coord="239,151,308,187">has</articleWord>