Livox-SDK / Livox-SDK

Drivers for receiving LiDAR data and more, support Lidar Mid-40, Mid-70, Tele-15, Horizon, Avia.
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Livox on diferent subnets #190

Open fbzavaleta opened 1 year ago

fbzavaleta commented 1 year ago


We are working with two diferent subnets, trying to acess from computer(subnet 1) to the livox(subnet 2). The reason is because we are trying to acess the sensors, conected to the router from a instance EC2.

When we use livox viewer, we ca get the cloud point, but when we are trying to do this using the sdk, the sensor lost conection.

Can you please help with this network issue?


MizzouRobotics commented 1 year ago

any insight on this?

MizzouRobotics commented 1 year ago

One interesting thing I found in the docs is that while the activation udp is 65000 and 55000 respectively. The sdk sets a random ip to be the received data for pointcloud and imu... With this in mind, it's likely that networking issues are implicit networking issues. At least, this was my issue, I was able to solve it be opening all ports for a cheap hack, but I'd love a more programmatic approach in the future.