Livox-SDK / livox_detection_simu

Trained on Simulated Data, Tested in the Real World
GNU General Public License v3.0
79 stars 9 forks source link

Can't detect pedestrian #7

Open blueskych opened 3 years ago

blueskych commented 3 years ago

Hi Livox guys, I am using livox detection sim to detect vehicle and pedestrian. But I found that using the pre-trained module you provided, it can not detect pedestrian. I also tried the other project "livox_detection" and its pre-trained model with the same bag file I used. It can detect pedestrian.But for vehicle detection, it is worse than livox_detection_sim. So I want to ask why?

clytze0216 commented 3 years ago

@blueskych I also met this error. Did you solve it?

blueskych commented 3 years ago

@blueskych I also met this error. Did you solve it?

Not yet. I'm using the "livox_detection" for vehicle and pedestrian detection now, and trying to improve the result.