Livox-SDK / livox_horizon_loam

Livox horizon porting for loam
305 stars 77 forks source link

Can't calculate #8

Closed sczgzzzj closed 4 years ago

sczgzzzj commented 4 years ago

zzzj@zzzj:~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch loam_horizon loam_livox_horizon.launch ... logging to /home/zzzj/.ros/log/fc07f920-99de-11ea-8582-c4d98799c302/roslaunch-zzzj-10137.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://zzzj:40781/



NODES / laserMapping (loam_horizon/laserMapping) laserOdometry (loam_horizon/laserOdometry) livox_repub (loam_horizon/livox_repub) rviz (rviz/rviz) scanRegistration (loam_horizon/scanRegistration)

auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [10147] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311

setting /run_id to fc07f920-99de-11ea-8582-c4d98799c302 process[rosout-1]: started with pid [10160] started core service [/rosout] process[scanRegistration-2]: started with pid [10172] process[laserOdometry-3]: started with pid [10178] process[laserMapping-4]: started with pid [10179] process[livox_repub-5]: started with pid [10187] Mapping 5 Hz process[rviz-6]: started with pid [10193] [ INFO] [1589899358.673880559]: start livox_repub scan line number 6 line resolution 0.300000 plane resolution 0.600000 points size 22605 prepare time 5.818291 sort q time 1.966182 seperate points time 4.824765 scan registration time 16.504640 ms ***** Initialization finished publication time 8.713276 ms whole laserOdometry time 8.776731 ms

map prepare time 0.268825 ms map corner num 0 surf num 0 [ WARN] [1589899369.000657958]: time Map corner and surf num are not enough add points time 0.064741 ms filter time 0.503859 ms mapping pub time 4.369223 ms whole mapping time 5.561359 ms +++++ points size 22693 prepare time 2.868194 sort q time 2.249739 seperate points time 4.619469 scan registration time 11.440953 ms ***** data association time 9.276748 ms solver time 12.395173 ms data association time 10.845608 ms solver time 10.061607 ms optimization twice time 43.386836 t_w_curr: 0.0818173 0.00438026 0.00992547 publication time 8.230904 ms whole laserOdometry time 51.782643 ms

points size 22703 prepare time 3.634014 sort q time 2.274923 seperate points time 5.093734 scan registration time 12.782456 ms ***** data association time 7.990031 ms solver time 9.597534 ms data association time 8.046268 ms solver time 6.374530 ms optimization twice time 32.595536 t_w_curr: 0.173467 0.00919051 0.0106125 publication time 7.973334 ms whole laserOdometry time 40.664500 ms

[laserMapping-4] process has died [pid 10179, exit code -11, cmd /home/zzzj/catkin_ws/devel/lib/loam_horizon/laserMapping name:=laserMapping log:=/home/zzzj/.ros/log/fc07f920-99de-11ea-8582-c4d98799c302/laserMapping-4.log]. log file: /home/zzzj/.ros/log/fc07f920-99de-11ea-8582-c4d98799c302/laserMapping-4*.log points size 22634 prepare time 8.347636 sort q time 2.019777 seperate points time 4.798511 scan registration time 18.234239 ms ***** data association time 7.992015 ms solver time 6.208782 ms data association time 6.530049 ms solver time 6.304133 ms optimization twice time 27.522775 t_w_curr: 0.259279 0.0198044 0.00887386 publication time 5.349825 ms whole laserOdometry time 32.942995 ms

Compile the prompt that appears:

[ 91%] Linking CXX executable /home/zzzj/catkin_ws/devel/lib/loam_horizon/laserMapping [100%] Linking CXX executable /home/zzzj/catkin_ws/devel/lib/loam_horizon/imu_process [100%] Built target laserOdometry [100%] Built target imu_process /usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/local/lib/, may conflict with /usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/local/lib/, may conflict with /usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/local/lib/, may conflict with [100%] Built target laserMapping

What's the reason, please

PanZhichen commented 4 years ago

This project was compiled using PCL1.7 and may conflict with PCL1.9 installed in your environment.