Livox-SDK / livox_lane_detection

GNU General Public License v3.0
58 stars 10 forks source link

Segmentation works on the first image only #1

Closed andreqwert closed 3 years ago

andreqwert commented 3 years ago


Thanks for sharing your code! I've recently tried your repo to make lidar points detection on the group of frames (I have 1 lidar). Used pre-trained weights, provided .pcd's, .jpg's, and config.txt for every frame. Unfortunately, it worked for me on the first frame only, but the following frames had not any impact. The problem lay in the way there is no error traceback so I get result for the first frame only, eventually. May you please provide any instructions on how the custom dataset should be stored correctly?

andreqwert commented 3 years ago

I have figured it out. test_data --> id00000_data4_2020_05_11 (named with timestamp) --> 1 (num of lidar) --> image, lidar, parameters folders should contain the equal number of properties for sure (1 lidar = 1 timedate folder with data). Sorry for the inconvenience