Livox-SDK / livox_ros_driver

Livox device driver under ros, support Lidar Mid-40, Mid-70, Tele-15, Horizon, Avia.
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Timestamp is jumping back when using multiple lidars on single topic #123

Open ik-forknav opened 2 years ago

ik-forknav commented 2 years ago

Hi! I'm trying to use tandem of MID-70 and Horizon lidars and ROS livox driver. I would prefer to get both lidars on single topic (with proper extrinsic applied) but there is a problem with timing. I'm using hardware PTP clock synchronization for my ethernet adapter and with single lidar everything is OK with timings. When using two lidars on single ROS topic then it appears that timestamps are jumping back sometimes. I verified it by recording data to ROS bag and analyzed it with rqt_bag tool. I was recording data with 40Hz. It seems that readings from lidars are coming almost in the same time (both are running with 40Hz and it means 2x40 readings in a second). And those two readings from lidars seems to be swapped in timeline, it happens like 3-6x in second in my case. Do you have any idea how to fix the driver? Thanks.