Livox-SDK / livox_ros_driver

Livox device driver under ros, support Lidar Mid-40, Mid-70, Tele-15, Horizon, Avia.
352 stars 201 forks source link

Continue to find length error #132

Closed ManChrys closed 1 year ago

ManChrys commented 1 year ago

Can someone explain me the following error? I am trying to time-sync livox mid 40 with xsens mti g 710 gnss/ins.

Any help would be appreciated.

geo@geo:/media/geo/d057a6b6-f590-4870-a4f8-13b392d0f9eb/geo/ws_livox$ roslaunch livox_ros_driver livox_lidar_msg.launch ... logging to /home/geo/.ros/log/55536560-2906-11ed-a3cf-00012e910c4a/roslaunch-geo-32444.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://geo:42813/



NODES / livox_lidar_publisher (livox_ros_driver/livox_ros_driver_node)


process[livox_lidar_publisher-1]: started with pid [32466] [ INFO] [1661952873.393159315]: Livox Ros Driver Version: 2.6.0 [ INFO] [1661952873.395585480]: Data Source is raw lidar. [ INFO] [1661952873.395834971]: Config file : /media/geo/d057a6b6-f590-4870-a4f8-13b392d0f9eb/geo/ws_livox/src/livox_ros_driver/livox_ros_driver/config/livox_lidar_config.json Commandline input bd:100000000000000 Invalid bd:100000000000000! Livox SDK version 2.3.0 broadcast code[0TFDHAF00691U41] : 1 0 0 0 0 0 Add Raw user config : 0TFDHAF00691U41 broadcast code[0TFDG3U99101431] : 0 0 0 0 0 0 Enable timesync : Uart[/dev/ttyUSB0],baudrate index[6],parity index[0] Disable auto connect mode! List all broadcast code in whiltelist: 0TFDHAF00691U41 Livox-SDK init success! Open /dev/ttyUSB0 success! [ INFO] [1661952873.396466071]: Init lds lidar success! [2022-08-31 16:34:33.682] [console] [info] Broadcast broadcast code: 0TFDHAF00691U41 [device_discovery.cpp] [OnBroadcast] [150] [2022-08-31 16:34:33.682] [console] [info] LocalIP: [device_discovery.cpp] [OnBroadcast] [201] [2022-08-31 16:34:33.682] [console] [info] DeviceIP: [device_discovery.cpp] [OnBroadcast] [202] [2022-08-31 16:34:33.682] [console] [info] Command Port: 55501 [device_discovery.cpp] [OnBroadcast] [203] [2022-08-31 16:34:33.682] [console] [info] Data Port: 56001 [device_discovery.cpp] [OnBroadcast] [204] [2022-08-31 16:34:33.706] [console] [info] New Device [device_discovery.cpp] [OnData] [99] [2022-08-31 16:34:33.706] [console] [info] Handle: 0 [device_discovery.cpp] [OnData] [100] [2022-08-31 16:34:33.706] [console] [info] Broadcast Code: 0TFDHAF00691U41 [device_discovery.cpp] [OnData] [101] [2022-08-31 16:34:33.706] [console] [info] Type: 1 [device_discovery.cpp] [OnData] [102] [2022-08-31 16:34:33.706] [console] [info] IP: [device_discovery.cpp] [OnData] [103] [2022-08-31 16:34:33.706] [console] [info] Command Port: 55501 [device_discovery.cpp] [OnData] [104] [2022-08-31 16:34:33.706] [console] [info] Data Port: 56001 [device_discovery.cpp] [OnData] [105] [2022-08-31 16:34:33.706] [console] [info] Send Command: Set 0 Id 2 Seq 3 [command_channel.cpp] [Send] [243] [2022-08-31 16:34:33.730] [console] [info] Recieve Ack: Set 0 Id 2 Seq 3 [command_handler.cpp] [OnCommand] [118] Lidar[0TFDHAF00691U41] status_code[0] working state[5] feature[0] [2022-08-31 16:34:33.730] [console] [info] Send Command: Set 0 Id 2 Seq 4 [command_channel.cpp] [Send] [243] [2022-08-31 16:34:33.754] [console] [info] Recieve Ack: Set 0 Id 2 Seq 4 [command_handler.cpp] [OnCommand] [118] firmware version: [2022-08-31 16:34:33.826] [console] [info] Update State to 1, device connect true [device_manager.cpp] [UpdateDeviceState] [281] Lidar[0TFDHAF00691U41] status_code[49664] working state[1] feature[0] [2022-08-31 16:34:33.826] [console] [info] Send Command: Set 0 Id 5 Seq 6 [command_channel.cpp] [Send] [243] [2022-08-31 16:34:33.850] [console] [info] Recieve Ack: Set 0 Id 5 Seq 6 [command_handler.cpp] [OnCommand] [118] Set coordinate success! [2022-08-31 16:34:33.850] [console] [info] Send Command: Set 0 Id 4 Seq 7 [command_channel.cpp] [Send] [243] Lidar[0][0TFDHAF00691U41] DataType[0] timestamp_type[0] PacketInterval[1000000] PublishPackets[100] Lidar[0][0TFDHAF00691U41] storage queue size : 200 256 [2022-08-31 16:34:33.874] [console] [info] Recieve Ack: Set 0 Id 4 Seq 7 [command_handler.cpp] [OnCommand] [118] Lidar start sample success [ INFO] [1661952873.952808355]: Support only one topic. [ INFO] [1661952873.954475916]: livox/lidar publish use livox custom format, set ROS publisher queue size 256 [DEBUG] [1661952873.954553813]: Trying to publish message of type [livox_ros_driver/CustomMsg/e4d6829bdfe657cb6c21a746c86b21a6] on a publisher with type [livox_ros_driver/CustomMsg/e4d6829bdfe657cb6c21a746c86b21a6] Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Check packet error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error Continue to find length error

ManChrys commented 1 year ago

Xsens module didnt publish properly NMEA (GPRCM) data

After i fixed this, it seems to working properly
