Livox-SDK / livox_ros_driver

Livox device driver under ros, support Lidar Mid-40, Mid-70, Tele-15, Horizon, Avia.
352 stars 201 forks source link

Set GPRMC synchronization time error code: -1. #133

Closed ManChrys closed 1 year ago

ManChrys commented 1 year ago


as i can see everything works fine Lidar[0][0TFDHAF00691U41] DataType[0] timestamp_type[1] PacketInterval[1000000] PublishPackets[100]

lidar: livox mid 40 imu gnss/ins: xsens mti g 710


but i have this error. Set GPRMC synchronization time error code: -1.

What that means ans how can i fix it ?

Thanks in advance!

geo@geo:/media/geo/d057a6b6-f590-4870-a4f8-13b392d0f9eb/geo/ws_livox$ roslaunch livox_ros_driver livox_lidar.launch ... logging to /home/geo/.ros/log/87b5fcb2-2c34-11ed-a119-00012e910c4a/roslaunch-geo-14145.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://geo:46747/



NODES / livox_lidar_publisher (livox_ros_driver/livox_ros_driver_node)


process[livox_lidar_publisher-1]: started with pid [14167] [ INFO] [1662292946.947229571]: Livox Ros Driver Version: 2.6.0 [ INFO] [1662292946.949671756]: Data Source is raw lidar. [ INFO] [1662292946.949981476]: Config file : /media/geo/d057a6b6-f590-4870-a4f8-13b392d0f9eb/geo/ws_livox/src/livox_ros_driver/livox_ros_driver/config/livox_lidar_config.json Commandline input bd:100000000000000 Invalid bd:100000000000000! Livox SDK version 2.3.0 broadcast code[0TFDHAF00691U41] : 1 0 0 0 0 0 Add Raw user config : 0TFDHAF00691U41 broadcast code[0TFDG3U99101431] : 0 0 0 0 0 0 Enable timesync : Uart[/dev/ttyUSB0],baudrate index[11],parity index[0] Disable auto connect mode! List all broadcast code in whiltelist: 0TFDHAF00691U41 Livox-SDK init success! [ INFO] [1662292946.950613575]: Init lds lidar success! Open /dev/ttyUSB0 success! [2022-09-04 15:02:27.000] [console] [info] Broadcast broadcast code: 0TFDHAF00691U41 [device_discovery.cpp] [OnBroadcast] [150] [2022-09-04 15:02:27.001] [console] [info] LocalIP: [device_discovery.cpp] [OnBroadcast] [201] [2022-09-04 15:02:27.001] [console] [info] DeviceIP: [device_discovery.cpp] [OnBroadcast] [202] [2022-09-04 15:02:27.001] [console] [info] Command Port: 55501 [device_discovery.cpp] [OnBroadcast] [203] [2022-09-04 15:02:27.001] [console] [info] Data Port: 56001 [device_discovery.cpp] [OnBroadcast] [204] [2022-09-04 15:02:27.022] [console] [info] New Device [device_discovery.cpp] [OnData] [99] [2022-09-04 15:02:27.023] [console] [info] Handle: 0 [device_discovery.cpp] [OnData] [100] [2022-09-04 15:02:27.023] [console] [info] Broadcast Code: 0TFDHAF00691U41 [device_discovery.cpp] [OnData] [101] [2022-09-04 15:02:27.023] [console] [info] Type: 1 [device_discovery.cpp] [OnData] [102] [2022-09-04 15:02:27.023] [console] [info] IP: [device_discovery.cpp] [OnData] [103] [2022-09-04 15:02:27.023] [console] [info] Command Port: 55501 [device_discovery.cpp] [OnData] [104] [2022-09-04 15:02:27.023] [console] [info] Data Port: 56001 [device_discovery.cpp] [OnData] [105] [2022-09-04 15:02:27.023] [console] [info] Send Command: Set 0 Id 2 Seq 3 [command_channel.cpp] [Send] [243] [2022-09-04 15:02:27.046] [console] [info] Recieve Ack: Set 0 Id 2 Seq 3 [command_handler.cpp] [OnCommand] [118] Lidar[0TFDHAF00691U41] status_code[0] working state[5] feature[0] [2022-09-04 15:02:27.046] [console] [info] Send Command: Set 0 Id 2 Seq 4 [command_channel.cpp] [Send] [243] [2022-09-04 15:02:27.070] [console] [info] Recieve Ack: Set 0 Id 2 Seq 4 [command_handler.cpp] [OnCommand] [118] firmware version: [2022-09-04 15:02:27.094] [console] [info] Update State to 1, device connect true [device_manager.cpp] [UpdateDeviceState] [281] Lidar[0TFDHAF00691U41] status_code[24576] working state[1] feature[0] [2022-09-04 15:02:27.095] [console] [info] Send Command: Set 0 Id 5 Seq 6 [command_channel.cpp] [Send] [243] [2022-09-04 15:02:27.118] [console] [info] Recieve Ack: Set 0 Id 5 Seq 6 [command_handler.cpp] [OnCommand] [118] Set coordinate success! [2022-09-04 15:02:27.118] [console] [info] Send Command: Set 0 Id 4 Seq 7 [command_channel.cpp] [Send] [243] Lidar[0][0TFDHAF00691U41] DataType[0] timestamp_type[1] PacketInterval[1000000] PublishPackets[100] Lidar[0][0TFDHAF00691U41] storage queue size : 200 256 [2022-09-04 15:02:27.143] [console] [info] Recieve Ack: Set 0 Id 4 Seq 7 [command_handler.cpp] [OnCommand] [118] Lidar start sample success [ INFO] [1662292947.219547190]: Support only one topic. [ INFO] [1662292947.221078957]: livox/lidar publish use PointCloud2 format, set ROS publisher queue size 256 [DEBUG] [1662292947.221158621]: Trying to publish message of type [sensor_msgs/PointCloud2/1158d486dd51d683ce2f1be655c3c181] on a publisher with type [sensor_msgs/PointCloud2/1158d486dd51d683ce2f1be655c3c181] Set GPRMC synchronization time error code: -1. RMC data parse success!. Set GPRMC synchronization time error code: -1. RMC data parse success!. RMC data parse success!. [2022-09-04 15:02:27.393] [console] [info] Send Command: Set 1 Id 10 Seq 8 [command_channel.cpp] [Send] [243] [2022-09-04 15:02:27.407] [console] [info] Recieve Ack: Set 1 Id 10 Seq 8 [command_handler.cpp] [OnCommand] [118] Set lidar[0] sync time status[0] response[0] Set GPRMC synchronization time error code: -1. RMC data parse success!. Set GPRMC synchronization time error code: -1. RMC data parse success!. RMC data parse success!. [2022-09-04 15:02:28.412] [console] [info] Send Command: Set 1 Id 10 Seq 10 [command_channel.cpp] [Send] [243]

jankin1024 commented 3 months ago

Hi, I met this problem, too. Have you solved this?