Open shettygr opened 11 months ago
Hi, I have installed the software that is on this page
Also, I have created a docker file to run the LIVOX MID360 sensor with ROS noetic. You can see my repository . In the README is how to create the docker and run it.
thank you , i will try these one and get back to you
hey @EPVelasco can the livox viewer2 installed on the raspberry pi4 with ubuntu20.04 64 bit version
The manual specifies the requirement to ensure that the CPU or PC intended for Livox usage supports AVX (Advanced Vector Extensions 2). In addition, Intel users are recommended to use CPUs with 8th generation Intel® Core™ i5 processors or higher.
Note that the repository provided is compatible exclusively with AMD architecture. Raspberry Pi, being based on ARM architecture, needs a different installation procedure not configured within the repository's Docker.
@EPVelasco iam going to place the livox mid-360 on drone, so there should be some companion computer on the drone right so iam using raspberrypi for that i need to install the livox viewer2 on rpi4 and its done by ubuntu 20.04 os
But the raspberry pi uses the ARM architecture , but the ubuntu version in my laptop is AMD 20.04 os so iam not able to launch in raspberrypi because rpi is ARM and the error is like "exec format error"
I'm not sure if livox viewer2 will work on a RasperryPi. In my experience, I used the LiVOX repository to install a LivoxMid-40 on ARM computer (Jetson Nano), which was going as an on-board computer for a drone. But I used ROS noetic to be able to visualize the point clouds.
@EPVelasco can you share me some images of the point cloud data , so that i will use ros2 and get the visualization from mid-360 lidar is the best one to get the point cloud data from mid-360
@EPVelasco if i use the above repository can ii get the point cloud data using docker image ..... and iam using the raspberry pi5 of 8gb and it is ARM architecture
Hi, I am not working with ROS2 right now. The above repository was tested on AMD architecture. I don't have right now any Docker image that has been tested with any ARM architecture cpu.
I am working on an image that works for Raspberry pi. If it works, I will comment it in this issue.
Hi, I have already tested on a Raspberry Pi 4 and it worked.
First, I installed the SDK from this repository. Then, I used the livox_ros_driver2 repository from here.
The point cloud is displayed in Rviz. In my case, the Raspberry Pi shows delays when updating the point cloud. This is because the RasPi does not have enough resources to show smoothly the point cloud.
I have tested it with a Raspberry Pi 4 with 8 GB of RAM with Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS Noetic.
Thank you i will also try these thing ,and if get any querry i will let you know
HI. @EPVelasco can u please share me the video of the process from scratch so that i can do the same because iam getting the errors in sdk and iam not able to figure out how its is gonna works please can you do it for me so that i can implement these on my drone and here is my email ( i badly need these to be done by next week
so hi, @EPVelasco iam getting these output after execting the livox sdk2 main.cpp file
what does these mean
Hi, apparently you have communication with the LIVOX mid 360. Have you already installed the livox_ros_driver2. I have sent you an email with the title Livox Mid 360 with Raspberry pi, please check your email inbox
yes i have already installed the ros2 drivers and i trying to get the point cloud data like x,y,z and i am triying these in my desktop(ubuntu 22.04) not in raspberrypi
Personally I have not tested the LiVOX Mid-360 sensor in ROS2. I know it works but I don't have any environment with ubuntu 22.04 right now to test. Have you tried to launch the instructions "For ROS2"
no ,not yet iam triying with livox sdk as of now and iam getting that as an output , so how can i get the point cloud data from these sdk and in the ros2 it says like....... python3 harshith@harshith-OMEN-by-HP-Gaming-Laptop-16-n0xxx:~/ws_livox/src/livox_ros_driver2/launch_ROS2$ where it is going to create the directory
@EPVelasco hi iam able to run the launch the ros2 and rviz is also getting open but the visualization of the livox mid-360 in rviz is not happening so it is issuse with the code or what
Hello! Could you please tell me how you have physically connected the Livox Mid-360 LiDAR to the Raspberry Pi? In my case, I am using the Raspberry Pi 4B. What cables have you used?
@JackQuests the cable which comes with the livox mid-360 three in one aviation cable ,so i connected to LANport on the raspberrypi
thanks!! @shettygr
iam using livox mid-360 and it's not able to detect in the livox viewer and i am using ubuntu 20.04
Make sure that your Private and public firewall is turned off, this usually leads to not generation of any data.
iam using livox mid-360 and it's not able to detect in the livox viewer and i am using ubuntu 20.04