Open DiantaoTu opened 3 years ago
I meet the same problem. Have you solved the problem? I am using ubuntu 18.04 LTS ROS: ros-kinetic-desktop Looking forward to your help ^_^
The error message is:
Disable covert imu data in lvx_to_rosbag.launch file please.
Disable covert imu data in lvx file please.
Could you please explain more? Which "lvx file" are you referring to?
Hello, I have the same question, but the "imu_bag" has been set false. Is there any other suggestions?
my error message is as follow:
[livox_lidar_publisher-2] killing on exit [rosout-1] killing on exit [master] killing on exit shutting down processing monitor... ... shutting down processing monitor complete done
Hello, I am having the same problem. But i dont think it has to do with the commands and launch files. During the installation of livox_ros_driver, the program compiles but I get this (attached) Please help, Ive been trying to run this for a couple of months now .
I think this is what causes the error when trying to convert lvx to rosbag.
I use the command
roslaunch livox_ros_driver lvx_to_rosbag.launch lvx_file_path:="~/Desktop/test.lvx"
to convert test.lvx to test.bag. But an error occured.OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS ROS: ros-kinetic-desktop
Looking forward to your help ^_^