Livox-SDK / livox_ros_driver2

Livox device driver under Ros(Compatible with ros and ros2), support Lidar HAP and Mid-360.
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Jetson Orin NX ARM64 20.04 MID-360 error #35

Closed FPSychotic closed 1 year ago

FPSychotic commented 1 year ago

nrover@nrover:~/LivoxViewer2 for Ubuntu v2.3.0$ ros2 launch livox_ros_driver2 [INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/nrover/.ros/log/2023-04-01-09-48-14-095897-nrover-3980 [INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO [INFO] [livox_ros_driver2_node-1]: process started with pid [3982] [livox_ros_driver2_node-1] [INFO] [1680338894.306635909] [livox_lidar_publisher]: Livox Ros Driver2 Version: 1.0.0 [livox_ros_driver2_node-1] [INFO] [1680338894.307152810] [livox_lidar_publisher]: Data Source is raw lidar. [livox_ros_driver2_node-1] [INFO] [1680338894.307185643] [livox_lidar_publisher]: Config file : /home/nrover/livox2_ws/install/livox_ros_driver2/share/livox_ros_driver2/launch_ROS2/../config/MID360_config.json [livox_ros_driver2_node-1] LdsLidar *GetInstance [livox_ros_driver2_node-1] config lidar type: 8 [livox_ros_driver2_node-1] successfully parse base config, counts: 1 [livox_ros_driver2_node-1] bind failed [livox_ros_driver2_node-1] Failed to init livox lidar sdk. [livox_ros_driver2_node-1] [ERROR] [1680338894.311483220] [livox_lidar_publisher]: Init lds lidar fail! My config file, same in host and as lidar will work in windows. ` "lidar_summary_info" : { "lidar_type": 8 }, "MID360": { "lidar_net_info" : { "cmd_data_port": 56100, "push_msg_port": 56200, "point_data_port": 56300, "imu_data_port": 56400, "log_data_port": 56500 }, "host_net_info" : { "cmd_data_ip" : "", "cmd_data_port": 56101, "push_msg_ip": "", "push_msg_port": 56201, "point_data_ip": "", "point_data_port": 56301, "imu_data_ip" : "", "imu_data_port": 56401, "log_data_ip" : "", "log_data_port": 56501 } }, "lidar_configs" : [ { "ip" : "", "pcl_data_type" : 1, "pattern_mode" : 0, "extrinsic_parameter" : { "roll": 0.0, "pitch": 0.0, "yaw": 0.0, "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 } } ] }

` maybe I dont know setup the Ethernet, first time I do in linux Screenshot from 2023-04-01 09-57-59 Screenshot from 2023-04-01 09-58-05

FPSychotic commented 1 year ago

my error, forgot files in ros2 must be modified in install folder instead src.

Hezhexi2002 commented 1 year ago

my error, forgot files in ros2 must be modified in install folder instead src.

@FPSychotic Hi,I also meet the same problem on nuc11,could you please explain what does it mean "files in ros2 must be modified in install folder instead src",I have source the in install folder but it didn't work at all

FPSychotic commented 1 year ago

my error, forgot files in ros2 must be modified in install folder instead src.

@FPSychotic Hi,I also meet the same problem on nuc11,could you please explain what does it mean "files in ros2 must be modified in install folder instead src",I have source the in install folder but it didn't work at all

The launch files and config files to setup IP, port ,launch that are needed to modify to adjust them to your PC are duplicated in SRC and INSTALL folders after compile, but are the ones in the Install folder the ones you need modify.