Livox-SDK / livox_ros_driver2

Livox device driver under Ros(Compatible with ros and ros2), support Lidar HAP and Mid-360.
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multi lidar time synchronization #43

Open h-gokul opened 1 year ago

h-gokul commented 1 year ago

I am able to use this driver for a single lidar setup and publish point clouds. However, to increase the FOV, I have two hap lidars fit next to each other. They arent extrinsically calibrated yet. I want the data to be published in a single topic, therefore I will set the multi_topic flag accordingly. I would like to know if this driver can time synchronize the pointclouds by default when setting up two lidars.

This is the config file

"lidar_summary_info" : {
    "lidar_type": 8
"HAP": {
    "lidar_net_info" : {
        "cmd_data_port": 56000,
        "push_msg_port": 0,
        "point_data_port": 57000,
        "imu_data_port": 58000,
        "log_data_port": 59000
    "host_net_info" : {
        "cmd_data_ip" : "",
        "cmd_data_port": 56000,
        "push_msg_ip": "",
        "push_msg_port": 0,
        "point_data_ip": "",
        "point_data_port": 57000,
        "imu_data_ip" : "",
        "imu_data_port": 58000,
        "log_data_ip" : "",
        "log_data_port": 59000
"HAP": {
    "lidar_net_info" : {
        "cmd_data_port": 56000,
        "push_msg_port": 0,
        "point_data_port": 57000,
        "imu_data_port": 58000,
        "log_data_port": 59000
    "host_net_info" : {
        "cmd_data_ip" : "",
        "cmd_data_port": 56000,
        "push_msg_ip": "",
        "push_msg_port": 0,
        "point_data_ip": "",
        "point_data_port": 57000,
        "imu_data_ip" : "",
        "imu_data_port": 58000,
        "log_data_ip" : "",
        "log_data_port": 59000
"lidar_configs" : [
    "ip" : "",
    "pcl_data_type" : 1,
    "pattern_mode" : 0,
    "extrinsic_parameter" : {
        "roll": 0.0,
        "pitch": 0.0,
        "yaw": 0.0,
        "x": 0,
        "y": 0,
        "z": 0
    "ip" : "",
    "pcl_data_type" : 1,
    "pattern_mode" : 0,
    "extrinsic_parameter" : {
        "roll": 0.0,
        "pitch": 0.0,
        "yaw": 0.0,
        "x": 0,
        "y": 0,
        "z": 0
KimHyung commented 1 year ago

I used messge_filter to sync time when i merged point_cloud.

you can try this pointcloud_merger node to merge pointclouds with time_sync.

h-gokul commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your response. To clarify, I would like to obtain capture time synchronization between both lidar devices than just stitching the point clouds with a message filter