Livox-SDK / livox_ros_driver2

Livox device driver under Ros(Compatible with ros and ros2), support Lidar HAP and Mid-360.
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What does `line` (0~3) in Livox Mid360's pointcloud2(PointXYZRTLT) format mean? #75

Closed LarryDong closed 3 months ago

LarryDong commented 10 months ago


For mid360, the xfer_format can be 0, which is "Livox pointcloud2(PointXYZRTLT) pointcloud format". I printed the line for L, and see the value is 0,1,2,3.

What does line mean? The Readme says:

uint8 line # laser number in lidar

Is laser the ring number for each scan? Are there only 4 lines (rings) at each scanning?

Call-Me-Jesse commented 10 months ago

Yes, mid360 is a four-wire scan.

LarryDong commented 10 months ago

Yes, mid360 is a four-wire scan.

Thanks Jesse~

af-doom commented 3 months ago

是的,mid360 是四线扫描。


af-doom commented 3 months ago



For mid360, the xfer_format can be 0, which is "Livox pointcloud2(PointXYZRTLT) pointcloud format". I printed the line for L, and see the value is 0,1,2,3.

What does line mean? The Readme says:

uint8 line # laser number in lidar

Is laser the ring number for each scan? Are there only 4 lines (rings) at each scanning?


LarryDong commented 3 months ago


Hi, For mid360, the xfer_format can be 0, which is "Livox pointcloud2(PointXYZRTLT) pointcloud format". I printed the line for L, and see the value is 0,1,2,3. What does line mean? The Readme says:

uint8 line # laser number in lidar

Is laser the ring number for each scan? Are there only 4 lines (rings) at each scanning?

