LiyaoTang / contrastBoundary

Contrastive Boundary Learning for Point Cloud Segmentation (CVPR2022)
MIT License
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the method of compiling pointops_cuda(cuda==11.1 GPU==RTX3090) #37

Closed Roger-Ni closed 7 months ago

Roger-Ni commented 7 months ago

when compile pointops_cuda,I have the error: nvcc fatal : Unsupported gpu architecture 'compute_86' solution:modify the as is shown in the below image(of course,you should change the py file according to your cuda version. As my cuda==11.1,GPU==RTX 3090, solutions on the web suggested that I should add command "export TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST=“8.0”" into ~/.bashrc. However, it does not work) image

as is known from the web, RTX 3090's cuda frame is sm_86 (or compute_86), so I changed the as is shown in the below image(add -arch=’sm_86’ or -arch=’compute_86’), but I always have the error abot 'nvcc compute_86'. As is suggested by GPT,I add the command -arch=’compute_75’ which is more common. Then the compilation works(python3 install).
