LiyuanLucasLiu / LM-LSTM-CRF

Empower Sequence Labeling with Task-Aware Language Model
Apache License 2.0
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RuntimeError: dimension specified as 0 but tensor has no dimensions (backward) #25

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Hi, I was trying to run the on ner conll2003 data using this command: python --train_file ner-conll2003/train --dev_file ner-conll2003/dev --testfile ner-conll2003/test --checkpoint ./checkpoint/ner --caseless --fine_tune --emb_file Glove5g_200.txt --embedding_dim 200 --gpu 1

But I got this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 189, in loss.backward() File "../py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 167, in backward torch.autograd.backward(self, gradient, retain_graph, create_graph, retain_variables) File ".../py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 99, in backward variables, grad_variables, retain_graph) RuntimeError: dimension specified as 0 but tensor has no dimensions

Did you have an idea how can I fix this problem please? Thank you

LiyuanLucasLiu commented 6 years ago

Hi, happy holiday :-) It should be --word_dim 200 instead of --embedding_dim 200. Best, Lucas

oh, sorry i didn't notice that you are using train_w instead of train_wc. Actually, for train_w, i'm not quite sure what causes the problem. would look into it later (if i find some time).

ghost commented 6 years ago

Hi, Thank you,

Happy holiday :-)


jerryitp commented 6 years ago

I also find the same error "dimension specified as 0 but tensor has no dimensions" using torch-0.3.0. The author used torch-0.2.0 as said in requirement. I guess this is the problem. I haven't try torch-0.2.0 yet.

assulan commented 6 years ago

@saharghannay amd @jerryitp were you guys able to resolve the error?

ghost commented 6 years ago

no, not yet

HuimengZhang commented 6 years ago

Also got the same issue here. No idea what caused it.

But I did try installing a previous version of PyTorch(0.2.0.post3), the error was avoided.

jorditg commented 6 years ago

On Pytorch 0.3.1.post2

With tensors works fine:

a = torch.FloatTensor()
b = torch.rand(2,3)[a.clone(),b])

With Variables ERROR:

a = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.FloatTensor(), requires_grad=True)
b = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.rand(2,3), requires_grad=True)[a.clone(),b])

RuntimeError: dimension specified as 0 but tensor has no dimensions