LlamaLad7 / MixinExtras

Companion library to SpongePowered Mixin with many custom injectors for a more expressive experience.
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@Local causes weird log spam when used a a specific way #58

Closed IThundxr closed 7 months ago

IThundxr commented 7 months ago

Log: https://mclo.gs/LcRO1u3

Class: https://github.com/Layers-of-Railways/Railway/blob/e40ef63f1a723f3dd48045991b51f5b3b8cadb98/common/src/main/java/com/railwayteam/railways/mixin/MixinTrackPlacement.java

That exact class's @Local somehow causes mixin/mixin extras to complain about it, as soon as i comment that mixin out theres no errors, not sure whats exactly going on so any help would be appreciated, (or it being fixed if it isnt a fault on my side)

LlamaLad7 commented 7 months ago

This is an issue with Mixin itself simply caused by a missing null check here. The same logspam occurs when using ordinary local capture in an @Inject. I'd suggest opening an issue there and on FabricMC/Mixin. I'll try to make a PR to the latter when I have time.