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LMDB fallback && Fix bug on tool_call #384

Closed sudoskys closed 4 months ago

sudoskys commented 4 months ago

Summary by CodeRabbit

coderabbitai[bot] commented 4 months ago


The recent updates introduce enhancements across various components, focusing on improving message handling, concurrency control, and error management. New functionalities include mock tool messages, better user activity checks, and asynchronous operations for cache management. The changes also extend to voice synthesis services, integrating new TTS providers and updating error handling strategies. Additionally, the project configuration now includes new dependencies for LMDB and TTS services.


File Path Change Summary
app/middleware/llm_task.py Introduced mock_tool_message function and modified pair_check to use it.
app/receiver/... Enhanced user call checks, concurrency control with UserLocks, and message processing adjustments.
app/sender/telegram/__init__.py Added MarkdownV2 parsing mode in listen_login_command.
docs/dev_note/... Discussed integration of vector matching for topic retrieval and introduced message queue snapshotting.
llmkira/cache/... Overhauled cache system with new LMDBRuntime class and updated data type specifications in cache methods.
llmkira/extra/voice/... Renamed TTS functions, introduced new TTS services, and updated error handling.
llmkira/openai/cell.py Updated Tool and Function classes with new attributes and classes for message handling.
pyproject.toml Added lmdb and edge-tts as new dependencies.

Recent Review Details **Configuration used: CodeRabbit UI**
Commits Files that changed from the base of the PR and between ee2e62990e1052d0d0c83888c016c7b7156149fb and 960673a0fb92a0f0ff7ba727eac0e0bc90080c2c.
Files ignored due to path filters (1) * `pdm.lock` is excluded by `!**/*.lock`
Files selected for processing (19) * app/middleware/llm_task.py (2 hunks) * app/receiver/function.py (4 hunks) * app/receiver/receiver_client.py (6 hunks) * app/receiver/telegram/__init__.py (3 hunks) * app/sender/telegram/__init__.py (1 hunks) * docs/dev_note/time.md (1 hunks) * docs/dev_note/tool_call_restart.md (1 hunks) * llmkira/cache/__init__.py (2 hunks) * llmkira/cache/elara_runtime.py (2 hunks) * llmkira/cache/lmdb_runtime.py (1 hunks) * llmkira/cache/redis_runtime.py (1 hunks) * llmkira/cache/runtime_schema.py (2 hunks) * llmkira/doc_manager/__init__.py (2 hunks) * llmkira/extra/voice/__init__.py (5 hunks) * llmkira/extra/voice_hook.py (3 hunks) * llmkira/kv_manager/env.py (1 hunks) * llmkira/openai/cell.py (5 hunks) * llmkira/task/schema.py (6 hunks) * pyproject.toml (1 hunks)
Additional comments not posted (33)
docs/dev_note/time.md (1)
`31-33`: Consider expanding on the compatibility trade-offs with other models when using OpenAI's vector matching solution. This could include specific examples or scenarios where compatibility issues might arise, helping readers understand the practical implications.
llmkira/cache/runtime_schema.py (1)
`49-51`: Type restriction on `value` parameter enhances type safety. The change to accept only `dict`, `str`, or `bytes` for the `value` parameter in `set_data` method is a good practice as it prevents type errors at runtime.
llmkira/cache/elara_runtime.py (1)
`42-42`: Ensure proper handling of `value` parameter types in `set_data`. This script checks that all calls to `set_data` are passing values of type `dict`, `str`, or `bytes` as required by the new method signature.
llmkira/cache/redis_runtime.py (1)
`32-32`: Confirm JSON serialization for `dict` and `list` types in `set_data`. This script checks that JSON serialization is correctly applied when `value` is of type `dict` or `list`, ensuring data integrity when stored in Redis.
llmkira/kv_manager/env.py (1)
`68-69`: Ensure efficient handling of environment variable updates. Consider adding a method to directly remove `None` values from the environment variables instead of filtering them every time `set_env` is called. This could improve performance, especially for large sets of environment variables.
llmkira/cache/lmdb_runtime.py (1)
`50-67`: Validate data encoding and handling in `set_data`. This script checks that data encoding is correctly applied when `value` is of type `dict`, `str`, or `bytes`, ensuring data integrity when stored in LMDB.
Verification successful This script aims to locate the `set_data` method in the Python codebase using a more general pattern, which should help in verifying the handling of data encoding for different types. --- This script uses ripgrep to search for the definition of the `set_data` method across all Python files in the repository, aiming to verify the handling of data encoding for different types. --- The `set_data` method in `lmdb_runtime.py` correctly handles data encoding for different types (`dict`, `str`, `bytes`) as described in the initial context. The method signature and its implementation are consistent with the expectations and the codebase. - **File**: `llmkira/cache/lmdb_runtime.py` - **Method**: `async def set_data(self, key, value: Union[dict, str, bytes], timeout: int = None)` This method ensures that dictionaries and lists are converted to JSON strings and then encoded to bytes, strings are encoded directly to bytes, and byte data is stored as-is, which aligns with the intended functionality.
Scripts Executed The following scripts were executed for the analysis: --- Script: ```shell #!/bin/bash # Verify that data encoding is correctly handled for different types in set_data. ast-grep --lang python --pattern $'set_data($_, $_, $_)' ``` Length of output: 57 --- --- Script: ```shell #!/bin/bash # Adjusting the pattern to ensure the `set_data` method is correctly identified. ast-grep --lang python --pattern $'def set_data($$$)' ``` Length of output: 399 --- --- Script: ```shell #!/bin/bash # Using ripgrep to search for the 'set_data' method directly in Python files. rg --glob '*.py' 'def set_data' ``` Length of output: 438
pyproject.toml (1)
`66-67`: Confirm compatibility of new dependencies with existing project setup. This script checks for any known compatibility issues with the newly added dependencies `lmdb` and `edge-tts` in the project documentation or issue trackers.
llmkira/extra/voice_hook.py (1)
`48-50`: Ensure robust handling of the `VOICE_REPLY_ME` environment variable. Consider adding a more explicit check for the `VOICE_REPLY_ME` environment variable to ensure it is not just present but set to a specific value indicating that voice replies should be enabled.
llmkira/doc_manager/__init__.py (1)
`42-44`: Ensure error handling around `set_storage` to manage potential initialization failures. Consider wrapping the `set_storage` call in a try-except block to handle possible exceptions that could arise during the initialization of the storage engine. This would improve the robustness of the database initialization process.
llmkira/cache/__init__.py (2)
`22-36`: Refine error handling in the `check_client` method to enhance robustness. Consider adding more specific error handling in the `check_client` method, particularly when creating the directory or initializing the LMDB client. This could include catching exceptions that may occur during these operations and logging them appropriately. --- `164-164`: Approve the update to use `LMDBRuntime` as a fallback. This change enhances the system's robustness by ensuring that there is always a runtime available for cache operations, even if the primary option (`RedisRuntime`) fails to initialize.
docs/dev_note/tool_call_restart.md (1)
`1-171`: Refine the documentation for clarity and completeness. Consider adding a section summarizing the key points at the beginning of the document to provide readers with an overview of the content. Additionally, ensure that all technical terms are defined to make the document accessible to new team members or external contributors.
llmkira/extra/voice/__init__.py (4)
`21-38`: > :memo: **NOTE** > This review was outside the diff hunks and was mapped to the diff hunk with the greatest overlap. Original lines [10-35] Approve the error handling in the `request_dui_speech` function. The addition of comprehensive error handling in the `request_dui_speech` function enhances its robustness by gracefully managing scenarios where the TTS service response is not as expected. This is crucial for maintaining the quality of the voice synthesis process. --- `79-117`: > :memo: **NOTE** > This review was outside the diff hunks and was mapped to the diff hunk with the greatest overlap. Original lines [67-97] Enhance logging in the `request_reecho_speech` function for better traceability. While the error handling in the `request_reecho_speech` function is adequate, consider adding more detailed logging for each error scenario. This would help in diagnosing issues more effectively by providing clearer insights into the nature of the errors encountered during the TTS process. --- `100-111`: Approve the implementation of the `request_edge_speech` function. The `request_edge_speech` function's implementation of a streaming mechanism for handling voice data is well-designed. The inclusion of detailed error handling and logging enhances its reliability, making it suitable for real-time voice data processing scenarios. --- `126-170`: > :memo: **NOTE** > This review was outside the diff hunks and was mapped to the diff hunk with the greatest overlap. Original lines [114-143] Add metrics logging in the `request_novelai_speech` function for performance monitoring. The `request_novelai_speech` function correctly handles various scenarios to ensure the integrity of the voice data. To further enhance its functionality, consider adding metrics logging to monitor the performance of the TTS service. This would help in identifying performance bottlenecks and optimizing the service accordingly.
llmkira/openai/cell.py (4)
`111-114`: Add type checks for the `function` attribute in the `Tool` class to ensure compatibility. The inclusion of the `Any` type for the `function` attribute in the `Tool` class increases its flexibility. However, to prevent runtime errors, consider adding type checks to ensure that the functions assigned to this attribute are compatible with the expected operations of the `Tool` class. This would enhance the robustness of the class by preventing the assignment of incompatible function types. --- `31-41`: Approve the renaming and adjustments to the `FunctionParameters` class. The renaming of the `Function` class to `FunctionParameters` and the adjustments made to its attributes and methods enhance the clarity and functionality of the class. This change makes it easier to understand the purpose of the class and its role in defining the parameters for functions. --- `179-184`: Approve the introduction of the `ToolMessage` and `AssistantMessage` classes. The introduction of the `ToolMessage` and `AssistantMessage` classes provides structured ways to handle different types of messages within the system. These classes include specific attributes and methods that are tailored to their respective message types, enhancing the modularity and maintainability of the code. --- `184-184`: Approve the adjustments to the `active_cell` function signature. The adjustments to the `active_cell` function signature enhance its flexibility and robustness. These changes improve the function's ability to activate messages based on their type and content, which is crucial for the proper functioning of the message handling system.
app/receiver/telegram/__init__.py (2)
`61-69`: > :memo: **NOTE** > This review was outside the diff hunks and was mapped to the diff hunk with the greatest overlap. Original lines [64-86] Approve the updates to the `file_forward` method for handling different file types. The updates to the `file_forward` method enhance the user experience by providing appropriate visual feedback based on the file type. Sending a "record_voice" action for ".ogg" files and an "upload_document" action for other file types before sending the file is a user-friendly approach that helps set the correct expectations for the user. --- `127-128`: Approve the addition of a "typing" action in the `reply` method. The addition of a "typing" action in the `reply` method enhances the responsiveness and user-friendliness of the system. This update provides a visual indication to the user that a response is being prepared, which can improve the user's experience during interactions.
app/middleware/llm_task.py (1)
`45-52`: Approve the introduction of the `mock_tool_message` function for handling tool calls. The introduction of the `mock_tool_message` function provides a structured way to handle tool calls within the system. This function enhances the maintainability of the code by ensuring that `ToolMessage` instances are properly generated based on `AssistantMessage` tool calls, which is crucial for the effective management of tool interactions.
app/receiver/function.py (2)
`205-217`: Refine the exception handling strategy in `run_pending_task`. The method `run_pending_task` raises a `ModuleNotFoundError` if a tool is not found. While this is technically correct, it might be more user-friendly to handle this gracefully within the application flow, perhaps by logging the error and continuing with other tasks instead of raising an exception that could terminate the process. --- `241-265`: Make the loop control variable `RUN_LIMIT` configurable. The `RUN_LIMIT` variable in `process_function_call` is currently hardcoded to 6. Consider making this a configurable parameter, possibly through environment variables or a configuration file, to allow easy adjustments without needing code changes.
app/receiver/receiver_client.py (4)
`35-45`: Introduced `UserLocks` class for managing user-specific locks. This class provides a mechanism to handle concurrency by maintaining a dictionary of asyncio locks, ensuring that operations for a specific user are processed sequentially. This is crucial for avoiding race conditions in a multi-user environment. --- `321-331`: > :memo: **NOTE** > This review was outside the diff hunks and was mapped to the diff hunk with the greatest overlap. Original lines [309-348] Refined the `deal_message` method to handle different routing scenarios. The method now handles different types of routing (`DELIVER`, `REPROCESS`, `REPLIES`, `ANSWER`) more explicitly, which improves the readability and maintainability of the code. It also integrates the `reorganize_tools` function to manage tool interactions based on the task header, enhancing the modularity of the tool handling process. --- `387-390`: Added environment variable check for `STOP_REPLY`. This addition allows the system to conditionally halt replies based on an environment setting, which can be useful for maintenance or debugging purposes without needing to alter the codebase significantly. --- `392-450`: Enhanced message processing with concurrency control using `user_locks`. The use of `user_locks` to manage concurrency during message processing is a robust design choice. It ensures that messages from the same user are processed in a controlled manner, preventing potential data races and inconsistencies.
app/sender/telegram/__init__.py (1)
`229-229`: Added MarkdownV2 formatting to the `listen_login_command` function. This change enhances the readability of the bot's responses by enabling MarkdownV2 formatting, which allows for more rich text features like bolding, italics, and inline code blocks. This is particularly useful for commands that output structured or highlighted information.
llmkira/task/schema.py (3)
`18-18`: Introduced import for the `Tool` entity. The addition of the `Tool` entity in the import statement is necessary for the new functionalities introduced in the `Sign` class, specifically for handling a list of tools (`tools_ghost`). --- `158-171`: > :memo: **NOTE** > This review was outside the diff hunks and was mapped to the diff hunk with the greatest overlap. Original lines [123-168] Updated the `Sign` class to include `tools_ghost` and added property methods for `layer` and `tools`. The introduction of the `tools_ghost` field allows for better management of tool states across different stages of task processing. The property methods `layer` and `tools` enhance encapsulation and provide easier access to the class's state. --- `263-270`: > :memo: **NOTE** > This review was outside the diff hunks and was mapped to the diff hunk with the greatest overlap. Original lines [247-267] Enhanced the `update_state` method to handle the `tools_ghost` parameter. This update allows the `Sign` class to manage its state more effectively, particularly in handling lists of tools, which is crucial for tasks that involve multiple tool interactions. The method's flexibility in handling various parameters dynamically is a strong aspect of its design.
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