LluisV / Z-Anatomy

Z-Anatomy app Unity project
224 stars 31 forks source link

I can't download the .blend file, since the page isn't available. #5

Closed LaMarrash closed 10 months ago

LaMarrash commented 10 months ago

So recently I started working on prosthetics and want to get well educated on the underlying tissues and bones. I wanted to donwload the blend file, but the page is unavailable. Can i get it elsewere?

Cheers for this proyect man, looks very well made and will probably help alot of people!

LluisV commented 10 months ago

Unfortunately we stopped developing the project, and therefore, we stopped maintaining the website. I'll send you an alternative way to download the .blend later today.

LluisV commented 10 months ago


LaMarrash commented 10 months ago

Thanks so much man!

waldenn commented 9 months ago

Unfortunately we stopped developing the project, and therefore, we stopped maintaining the website. I'll send you an alternative way to download the .blend later today.

Hey LluisV, did you stop the project because of a lack of funding or something else? I think this project has a lot more potential. Maybe find more funding options? If you setup a "Github sponsor" link, I will chip in.

I was looking into your 3D model work this weekend, to use in my https://conze.pt project: https://twitter.com/conzept__/status/1733816639328563597

I would love to see a good and flexibel, web-based human anatomy browser, especially with Wikidata-entity relations!

Another question I had: Do you have some idea, how good the current 3D model data is (in terms of accuracy, scope and segmentation) compared to the commercial variants (like eg. Zygote Body 3D)? Is it good enough for medical school use?

LluisV commented 9 months ago

Hi @waldenn.

1) The project was paused for various reasons. Summarizing: Indeed, the project never had financing of any kind. That forced me and Gauthier (he is the one who compiled and repaired the 3D models among many other things) to find a living in other jobs, even though Gauthier tried very hard to find external financing. Unfortunately the license (CC-BY-SA) seems to be an impediment in this regard. There were also some internal conflicts between me and Gauthier that made it impossible for us to continue working as a team. Despite all this, I do not consider that the project is abandoned, since as long as there are people who find it useful and use it for what it was designed for (having access to a free and open source anatomical atlas), the project will remain alive. In my case I am now focused on other projects, but it is possible that I will release news about Z-Anatomy soon.

2) The main objective was always to have a web-viewer that merged the Z-Anatomy models with a TA2-type search engine and Wikidata information. That was all part of our plan, and there were even conversations about it. Unfortunately the project stopped before that. I do not rule out that path being taken up again in the future. Creating a web-viewer wouldn't take much time.

3) Unfortunately I cannot answer this question, since I am not the developer of the models nor am I an anatomist. All I can tell you is that, as far as I know, the models still need quite a bit of specialized work to be considered finished. I would not risk stating that they can be used as a reliable anatomical reference.

waldenn commented 9 months ago

Thanks for your response!

Some quick notes:

LluisV commented 9 months ago

Hi @waldenn.

waldenn commented 9 months ago

To preserve the hierarchy of the models, I imported them in .fbx format into Unity. Unity allows export to WebGL, so it should be relatively easy to get the project running on the web.

I'm sure that can work, but I think using something more web-native (and with active UI development) like Online3DViewer, will be more useful and performant for users, especially in the longer term.

I currently don't have a good "tool path" to get the hierarchy into a glTF format. Will take another look when I get some time again. FBX seems to heavy for that I think (maybe I'm wrong about this).

For the Wikidata linking I would like to use the P1323 property ("Terminologia Anatomica 98 ID") and then use the Wikidata label-translations for the user interface. I heard work is being done / was done of a newer version of TA, but that new version was not openly licensed.

I've done something similar here. Would love to see that same hierarchy browser also working on your 3D human anatomy. There are just so many possibilities once that TA98 hierarchy is available in glb / gltf. This is why your project is a key component.

Once the above works, a good app URL-parameter design would be great:

Take your time, no hurries. Lets make something great from this project!