LoadLineCalibration / Convedit_Plus

Deus Ex conversations editor remake
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Left sidebar doesn't render when running with Wine on Linux #3

Closed MQDuck closed 4 months ago

MQDuck commented 4 months ago

The left sidebar doesn't render when running the program using Wine on Linux, although it seems that it can otherwise be interacted with as normal with the mouse. As far as I can tell, everything else renders fine.

image image

MQDuck commented 4 months ago

A native Linux build would be really great, if that's an option.

LoadLineCalibration commented 4 months ago

ConEditPlus.zip Try this build.

It is possible to create cross-platform app in Delphi, the problem is that I never had Linux and not familiar with this OS, not to mention creating native programs for it.

MQDuck commented 4 months ago

That build doesn't seem any different, unfortunately.

I gather one needs access to Delphi to do a build?

MQDuck commented 4 months ago

Something called CrossKylix apparently lets you do Linux builds in Delphi on Windows.

LoadLineCalibration commented 4 months ago

Yes, to build from sources, one need Delphi + few extra libs. I managed to install Linux Mint 21.3 to VM and install Wine. When I find way to transfer files from Windows to Linux VM, I'll try to do something.

MQDuck commented 4 months ago

If you're looking to run Windows programs (not just games) on Linux these days, I highly recommend you save yourself a lot of trouble and use Bottles.

LoadLineCalibration commented 4 months ago

At the moment, the only solution I see is to use Windows VM. The left side is regular TTreeView, there is nothing special. I don't know why Wine cannot handle it.

MQDuck commented 3 months ago

If I add this program to Steam as a non-Steam "game" and run it there, it renders correctly. Good enough, I guess.