LoadLineCalibration / Convedit_Plus

Deus Ex conversations editor remake
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 2 forks source link

BindNames and Conversation names shown in reverse alphabetical order #5

Closed theastropath closed 2 months ago

theastropath commented 2 months ago

It appears that the list of names and conversations appears in reverse alphabetical order. Flags under each conversation look to be in regular alphabetical order.

By comparison, original ConEdit showed the bind names and conversations in regular alphabetical order.

Original: image

ConEditPlus: image

LoadLineCalibration commented 2 months ago

The tree items are built in the same order as the data in the file. That is, if z comes first, then z will come at the beginning. 

I've added a sorting function call, so from now on, tree items will be sorted in alphabetical order. изображение

theastropath commented 2 months ago

Awesome, thanks!

I figured it was something like it being the data order. Being alphabetical should be a bit more convenient!

LoadLineCalibration commented 2 months ago

Beta 6 uses alphabetic tree sorting, closing.