Lobstrco / fraudulent-assets

List of fraudulent asset domains that were blacklisted in LOBSTR
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Whiplash347 Distributors and Scam Domains #60

Closed dinerrrro closed 2 years ago

dinerrrro commented 2 years ago

Hello after few hours of searchin on stellar.expert i found all his domains and i figured those are his distribuitors cuz all of them had payments between them and all of them are connected. U can also check all of them via payment locator on stellar expert and it s easy.


All of these distribuitors has a total balance of 9 milions xlm All of those below domains were collected from upper distribuitors, i started serachin indus scam domains, flare networks and other replicator website of what whiplash promotes. Majority of domains has l instead of i, "m" was changed to rn, t to f, he also added some S at the beggining or final of the domain, diffrent org net com io domains but same domain for example indusx.org indusx.net etc

Please check yourself all these distribuitors cuz all of them are connected via payment locator with 3000-1m XLM and how i said i collected all of them from this distribuitors, i m not sure if it s all domains collected but i tried to collect almost all.

Specific Domain(s)

vebrfr.digital - veb.rf scam token this is a russian bank and it s whiplash replicator indus.bond - fake indus and replicator tokens astrostellars.org - fake whiplash replicator and he added s at final to this domain inter-stellar.exchange - fake interstellar website interstellarx.exchange - fake interstellar website infinity-gold.co - fake gold token rare-tokens.org - fake xrp gold and other tokens purestellar.org - fake companies tokens strongholdpayx.co - fake stronghold website strongholdpay.co - fake stronghold website stellar-networks.co - fake xrp, gold, miota and LOBSTR token stellar-metaverse.com - fake metaverse projects StellarETFs.com - fake etfs stellar tokens StellarRealEstate.org - fake companies tokens cicada.xmint.io - fake cicada token gov.stellarbonds.exchange - fake bonds tokens stellarbills.com - fake companies and other tokens like xrp shib etc balancedstellar.com - fake companies tokens StellarHedgeFunds.com - fake gold tokens luxor.tomlhosting.co - fake tomlhosting replicator hjstoken.stellarmem.org - fake tokens ripplenode.com - fake ripple tokenn trust-coin.net - fake replicator of trusttoken exchanges.indus.exchange - indus scam domain digitalfinance.stellarmlnt.io - fake stellarmint replicator quantum-tokens.org - fake quantum tokens flare-network.exchange - fake flare domain stocks-on-stellar.org - fake stocks domains thecontinuum.ca - fake companies token go-dls.com - fake companies token thestellarfarm.com - fake stalking website with fake tokens luxbank.co - fake lux bank token stellarkraken.com - fake kraken replicator tokens stellarmarketcap.com - fake xrp ada etc tokens publicstellar.com - fake xrp shib ada and other companies tokens bonesteel.io - fake companie tokens iccol.co - fake teslacoils token indusx.org - fake indus replicator stellardogelon.com - fake dogelon token stellar-square.com - fake companies tokens stellardevelopers.org - fake companies tokens stelar-flow.com - fake companies tokens stellarhq.io - fake companies tokens gold.indus.bond - fake indus tokens quantumsystem.finance - fake quantum tokens stellarasset.co - fake companies tokens stellarverse.tech - fake companies tokens Stellar-Mainnet.com - fake stellar issuer tokens starbridge.host - fake starbridge token splcytkn.org - fake spicy token stelar-fusion.com - fake xrp and other companies tokens flare-finance.io - fake flare website qfs-tokens.org - fake qfs tokens pendullum.pw -fake pendulum tokens StellarHQ.io - fake stellar tokens as xrp and also companies hyperledger.lndus.exchange - fake indus tokens algodex.trade - fake algodex exchange tokens anchored-tokens.org - fake original tokens metals-on-stellar.org - fake metals token as gold silver platinum etc itautilities.stellarmlnt.io - fake stellarmint replicator hyperledger.technology - fake hbar token newstellar.io - fake companies tokens wxt.wlrexapp.com - fake wirex app exchange quantum-stellar-initiative.org - fake quantum tokens continentalpublicsbank.com - fake banker coin token pendullumbank.pw - fake pendulum token www.oceanstokens.org - whiplash website stellar-tesla.energy - fake tesla coin ddex-digital.com - fake company token ddexdigital.com - also other replicator token hl-technetwork.com - fake domain he added l instead of hi yaqua.network - fake aqua token exemusexchange.stellarteam.org - fake tokens as xrp and companies token stellarteam.io - other stellarteam domain stellarteam.co - other stellar team fake domain moneygram.stellarteam.io - fake moneygram token meta.stellar.onl - fake stellar website enaira.usdf.tech - fake usdt token emergency-tokens.stellarteam.org - other stellarteam replicator dlx.stellarteam.org - orther stellartem replicator zodaictokens.org - zodiactokens replicator by whiplash squidgame.stellar.onl - fake stellar website trumpcoin.stellarmint.io - fake trumpcoin assets-indus.exchange - fake indus tokens turklsh-lira.org - fake turkish lira replicator indus.social - fake indus tokens and also replicator stellarassets.net - fake tokens as tesla riiple labs etc quantumstellar.ai -fake quantum tokens flare-networks.ai - fake flare tokens thefavens.org - fake company token lndus.exchange - fake indus tokens cyber-technoloqy.org - fake website replicator of whiplash cbdc-token.org - fake cbdc bank tokens stellar-network.co - fake xrp and company tokens agriogenesis.in - promoted by whiplash stellarassets.io - other replicator of stellarasset website stocks-on-stellar.org - fake stocks tokens stellar-gold.org - fake gold tokens lumens.exchange - fake xrp xdc and other tokens quanturn-system.finance - fake quantum tokens chemitoken.org - fake chemi tokens replicator tomlhostlng.co- fake tomlhosting website anon-inu.com - anoninu fake website bitbox.exchange - fake xrp algo and other tokens lcx.digital - fake banker coin quantum-stellar-system.org -fake quantum tokens realio.fund - i don t know if its real or not but i think it s also a scam token and he s the distrubitor swisscustody.gold - swisscustody fake tokens and companies gold and other swisscustody.induspayment.com - indus fake tokens swisscustodys.org - other swisscustody fake replicator turkish-lira.org - fake turkish lira website digital.lndus.exchange - fake indus exchange vebrf.lndus.exchange - fake veb.rf token vebrfs.digital - fake veb.rf token bpflnvest.fund - fake bank token anclap.io - fake token doa-digital-on-asset.com - fake bnaker coin stellar-quantum.org - fake quantum tokens astro-stellar.org - other astrostellar fake replicator quantum-financial-system.org - fake quantum tokens quantum.org - fake quantum tokens z-finance-system.vercel.app - fake z finance token cyber-technology.org - other cyber technology fake replicator giga-doge.com - whiplash token pendulums.pw - pendulum token spicytkn.org - other spicy token replicator quantuldollars.digital - quantum dolla fake token thetopfunds.org - fake tokens as xrp pendulumsafe.pw - pendulum replicator indusx.tech - indus replicator inclus.gold - indus replicator inclus.exchange - indus replicator lndus.exchange - indus replicator kazakhstan-indus.exchange - indus replicator strongpaystellar.com - fake shx token thefarsights.net - fake german tokens astronauts.foundation - whiplash replicator ultra-stellar.org - fake ultrastellar domain lndus.gold - indus replicator indus.bond- indus replicator lndus.exchange - indus replicator

The reason why you think we need to blacklist these domains

Scam and fake tokens, replicator of huge companies and whiplash replicator

The source where suspicious domains are mentioned (e.g. Telegram/WhatsApp/Facebook links)

just check what i said and blockchain doesnt lie

Evidence of fraud (e.g. screenshots, links with complaints, or any other proof)

CryptoHobbyist commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your work. Please fell free to help with my recorded list of over 500 very questionable domains. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JCkWZ3X1h6kJKM6ZCZThDshK_whhNiTyGTV8R24Anho/edit?usp=sharing

star-dust-one commented 2 years ago

Thank you! All domains were added to our blacklist.