Open LocalJoost opened 1 year ago
Hello, Thanks for this post!
An additional question, if I may ;) How would you get a raycast hit (and its world position) on such ARPlanes ? I have a MRTK Ray Interactor on one of my hands, for which I enable AR Configuration > Enable AR Raycasting.
I hoped then the m_ARRaycastHitsCount inside the UpdateRaycastHits method of XRRayInteractor (base class for MRTKRayInteractor) would get updated, but it remains desperately at 0. In particular, I see XRRayInteractor automatically adds a ARRaycastManager onto the first XROrigin found, and it then performs the Raycast inside the CheckCollidersBetweenPoints method. When debugging, the ray origin/direction seem plausible, and trackableType is PlaneWithinPolygon, which I guess should work with the ARPlanes created. But like I said, somehow the hit count remain to 0.
Would you have any ideas on how to solve this ?
Thanks a lot!
Well, I guess I can also follow the methodology you provided in !
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