LocalOrbit / localorbit

Local Orbit is an open source web application and service that empowers food hubs to efficiently sell and distribute local food.
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Suppliers shouldn't get an 'order has been changed' email if their portion of order was unchanged #3298

Open rbarreca opened 6 years ago

rbarreca commented 6 years ago

If a buyer orders 20 lbs apples from Supplier A and 10 lbs bananas from Supplier B, then a market manager changes the ordered quantity of apples to 15 lbs, both Supplier A and Supplier B will get an email saying their order was updated. This issue is just to fix it so Supplier B will not get an email.

There is a larger issue that the email doesn’t actually show the item that was changed and from what quantity to what quantity and/or what new item was added.

[JIRA Import Details] Issue URL: https://localorbit.atlassian.net/browse/LO-1096 Reporter: Rob Barreca Status: To Do Issue Type: Bug

ivar commented 6 years ago

@rbarreca I've stepped through this process but I can't find when an emaik is send after a market manager updates an order. Is there a nightly task or something that triggers update emails?

rbarreca commented 6 years ago

@ivar I simply traced back from seller_order_updated and it appears that it is triggered by perform_add_items in OrdersController, which then calls UpdateOrderWithNewItems organizer, which then calls SendUpdateEmails interactor.

In the UI, this is done when a market manager clicks the Add Items button while viewing an order then adds some items to the order.