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Hide Navigation Bars on Fullscreen Pages #604

Open julianpoy opened 8 years ago

julianpoy commented 8 years ago

Copied from original DW issue - You'll notice on my screenshots that the navigation and address bars are showing entirely, and I wanted to mention that you can kind of get rid of them if there's some unseen content below the viewable area. Not a big deal if you can't do that, but it would be cleaner looking. https://camo.githubusercontent.com/acc6b8fd8b035099d45400a3449749011fa12072/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f476331715677542e6a706 https://camo.githubusercontent.com/b9d05ffcbe4fdd6312ad75efc4c6835d31ef1e81/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f44616648334f532e6a70677

julianpoy commented 8 years ago

Do what you can for this, although I do not believe this is possible without hackery. We want to avoid the fullscreen pages being scrollable, and thus making the screen longer than the height of the browser will not work. If you can think of another approach, let me know, otherwise this is probably a null issue.