Localight / LocalightWebService

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Customize Thank You Page as an entry point from Reminders #613

Open torch2424 opened 8 years ago

torch2424 commented 8 years ago

Works with Localism/LocalightBackend#184

For the above mentioned issue, we should allow the user to receive a link simply to the thank you page, with a session token, so that they can send a thank you to the sent user

torch2424 commented 8 years ago

in branch reminderThank

torch2424 commented 8 years ago

The front end functionality now enables a route at /thankYou?token="sesstionTokenHere"

Simply needs to have a function to send the reminder the the created backend route in the mentioned issue in OP

spent ~25 minutes doing this


julianpoy commented 8 years ago

I don't see any changes in this branch

julianpoy commented 8 years ago

Also, how do I specify a user to send the thank-you to?

julianpoy commented 8 years ago

Lastly, what do I do if the user has already been thanked in the interum?

torch2424 commented 8 years ago

@julianpoy I just commited my changes, and I dont quite understand your spification question, I'll ask you in person

torch2424 commented 8 years ago

Julian and I decieded that the frontend should also support a qeury param of a sender Id.

@julianpoy I remember you had thought up of how the back end would handle this, so I am hoping you can update that issue accordingly in the backend issue mentioned in the OP

torch2424 commented 8 years ago

Adding needs milestone, as I dont want to rush you into anything @julianpoy

torch2424 commented 8 years ago

Also, I forgot to mention, this branch fixes a cookies.remove bug that i forgot to implement in a previous pull. if this branch is going to be a while before being pulled, please let me know, as it is priority before we do a production sync

torch2424 commented 8 years ago

Actually, I will just fix these small bugs in a branch called quickBugs. I will handle the merge conflict if there is any (And there shouldnt be they are really small fixes)