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Personal Document Archiving (DMS, EDMS for Personal/Home Office use)
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Make the publisher buildable as a standalone project #112

Closed adam-stanek closed 3 years ago

adam-stanek commented 3 years ago

Similar to issue #111 we should do the same thing for publisher repo.

Here is a snippet of possible Dockerfile:

FROM golang:alpine AS build

RUN apk add --update bash curl git && \
    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golang/dep/master/install.sh | sh

WORKDIR /go/src/github.com/analogj/lodestone-publisher/

ADD Gopkg.toml ./
ADD Gopkg.lock ./
ADD cmd ./cmd
ADD pkg ./pkg

RUN dep ensure
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o lodestone-fs-publisher ./cmd/fs-publisher/fs-publisher.go

FROM alpine
COPY --from=build /go/src/github.com/analogj/lodestone-publisher/lodestone-fs-publisher /lodestone-fs-publisher
CMD ["/lodestone-fs-publisher"]
dskaggs commented 3 years ago

@adam-stanek Couple of questions for this one:

  1. Do you have a sense of what it might take to move the publisher repo over to using modules?
  2. Since this has both fs-publisher and email-publisher, would we want to follow the same pattern as we just set up with the processor and have multiple Docker files and multiple DockerHub repos?
dskaggs commented 3 years ago

After playing with this for a bit using your Dockerfile suggestion above, I think we're going to have to combine this repo and the lodestone-storage repo. The lodestone-fs-publisher is launched as a service inside the https://github.com/LodestoneHQ/lodestone-storage repo (see https://github.com/LodestoneHQ/lodestone-storage/blob/fa67ffb379c418590b47b747a3a22b310411e9f2/rootfs/etc/services.d/fs-publisher/run#L7 ) and has a dependency on Minio.

adam-stanek commented 3 years ago

Do you have a sense of what it might take to move the publisher repo over to using modules?

I think it should be pretty straightforward. But I would have to take a closer look if all the project dependencies are usable as go modules. They most likely are though.

 Since this has both fs-publisher and email-publisher, would we want to follow the same pattern as we just set up with the processor and have multiple Docker files and multiple DockerHub repos?

Yes, I think it would be the best solution. I want to have a look at the email-publisher, I might send some PR your way after I get it running.

adam-stanek commented 3 years ago

After playing with this for a bit using your Dockerfile suggestion above, I think we're going to have to combine this repo and the lodestone-storage repo. The lodestone-fs-publisher is launched as a service inside the https://github.com/LodestoneHQ/lodestone-storage repo (see https://github.com/LodestoneHQ/lodestone-storage/blob/fa67ffb379c418590b47b747a3a22b310411e9f2/rootfs/etc/services.d/fs-publisher/run#L7 ) and has a dependency on Minio.

Yes, I noticed that myself as well. I had to actually built it separately because of that because I am running custom minio setup with hardened policies and backup snapshot repository for Elasticsearch.

To be honest I am not 100% why we even have fs-publisher. It notifies the stack on new files, but I get the feeling it should be possible to do the same thing with only a Minio (it supports AMQP as well). In that case we could focus solely on email-publisher and simplify the stack a bit.

dskaggs commented 3 years ago

I think it came about before Minio was part of the stack. I personally would love the option to not have to use Minio and just point it to the directory where my documents already live. Seems like a duplication of file storage to me.

adam-stanek commented 3 years ago

It would make sense. But I am not sure it is worth developing custom solution. Minio is already battle tested + it has many additional features. Also it can easily be switched to hosted S3 service and leverage for example Amazon Glacier for long term storage without having to worry about backups.

dskaggs commented 3 years ago

Fair enough. It's not like we have a lot of extra engineering bandwidth to be able to afford to go looking for extra work :)

adam-stanek commented 3 years ago

Do you have a sense of what it might take to move the publisher repo over to using modules?

So I had a closer look at the publisher repo and it won't be that easy. There is 1 forked library with unreleased version which isn't packaged properly. Sadly the required fork didn't find its way to the upstream because it requires linux only changes to otherwise cross-platform library. We can create our own fork, but honestly I would rather look for different solution to the problem - ie. consider dropping the fs-publisher completely.