Log1x / acf-composer

Compose ACF Fields, Blocks, Widgets, and Option Pages with ACF Builder on Sage 10.
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Invalid json with Widget #100

Closed ghost closed 1 year ago

ghost commented 2 years ago


I am using Sage 10.0.0-beta.2 and I have installed acf-composer. I have followed the documentation by creating an Example Widget: wp acorn acf:widget Example

When I go to Wordpress Admin to add items in this new Widget, I have an _invalidjson error because data returned by _POST wp-json/wp/v2/widget-types/example/encode?locale=user returned the following error: ErrorException: Undefined index: widget_id in file /app/web/app/themes/aba/vendor/log1x/acf-composer/src/Widget.php on line 122

I must turn off all configuration related to DEBUG and ERROR display (I am using Bedrock) to be able to interact with this Example Widget.

Best Regards,

Log1x commented 2 years ago

Not being able to reproduce this. Are you using it as a Legacy Widget with the new block widgets?

ghost commented 2 years ago


Actually I don't really think in terms of Legacy Widget, I have just type the command on a fresh install of Bedrock / Sage 10 and the widget generated was not able to be displayed in Appearance > Widgets. Is there specific parameter to pass in the command to decide when using Legacy Widget?

Sorry I am bit lost by your question.

akiletour commented 2 years ago

Hey @Log1x,

I can reproduce the problem after creating a widget with acf-composer.

I'm using WordPress 6.0.1 (including the new widget system).


When I try to add the widget, I get an error in console (if WP_DEBUG is enabled)

ErrorException: Undefined index: widget_id in file /xxxx/themes/xxxx/vendor/log1x/acf-composer/src/Widget.php on line 122

After the debug, I looked at the content of $args and it does not contain any widget_id but only :

    [before_widget] => <div class="widget widget_footer-desc">
    [after_widget] => </div>
    [before_title] => <h2 class="widgettitle">
    [after_title] => </h2>


    [before_widget] => 
    [after_widget] => 
    [before_title] => 
    [after_title] => 
    [widget_id] => 'example-1'
    [widget_name] => 'Example'
Log1x commented 2 years ago

After the debug, I looked at the content of $args and it does not contain any widget_id but only :

That is super weird.

RistoNiinemets commented 2 years ago

Same issue for me. WP_DEBUG really affects it somehow.

Log1x commented 2 years ago

I'm currently adding

 * Disable the widgets block editor.
 * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/how-to-guides/widgets/opting-out/

to after_setup_theme in setup.php to fix this for now in my themes. I'm guessing with the new widget block stuff ACF Composer's widget implementation may end up deprecated at some point.

I haven't tried creating block widgets yet with ACF. Has anyone else tried it?