Log1x / acf-composer

Compose ACF Fields, Blocks, Widgets, and Option Pages with ACF Builder on Sage 10.
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Feature Request for ACF with() method to allow for returning of object in place of array #121

Closed kupoback closed 1 year ago

kupoback commented 2 years ago

In Sage 9, in the Controller Files, the protected $acf array returns each instance of a field into an object. I really liked working with that, and was wondering if there was a way, either as an option, or just natively, to do the same.

I am working with your current package, but with Sage 10, made an AcfNestedFields.php Class, and ported over most of the functionality. I was wondering if you would maybe consider using this as inspiration to implement into this great package.

Acf Block Class

class TextBlock extends Block
    //... previous block variables and methods

     * Field Names used for this block
     * @var array|string[]
    public array $fieldNames = [

     * Data to be passed to the block before rendering.
     * @return array
    public function with()
        return (new AcfNestedFields($this->fieldNames))

    //.. other block methods



namespace App\SageThemeModule;

use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use function collect;

class AcfNestedFields
     * @param array $data The field names to grab get_field data for
    public function __construct(
        protected array $data = [],
        private bool $returnArrayFormat = false
    ) {

     * Set Return Filter
     * Return filter sober/controller/acf-array
    private function setReturnFilter()
        // This filter might have to be recreated, but I wasn't able to
        // fully find the add_filter for this in Sage 9's vendor files
        $this->returnArrayFormat =
                ? apply_filters('sage/classes/acf/array', $this->returnArrayFormat)
                : false);

     * Iterates over array and adds a new snake cased key, with orignial value, for each kebab cased key
     * Return void
    private function recursiveSnakeCase(&$data)
        if (!is_array($data)) {

            ->each(fn($val, $key) => is_array($val)
                ? $this->recursiveSnakeCase($val)
                : $data[Str::kebab($key)] = $val);

     * Convert the data for the fields to an object if returnArrayFormat is false
     * @return void
    public function setDataReturnFormat()
        if ($this->returnArrayFormat) {

        if ($this->data) {
                ->each(fn($item, $key) => $this->data[$key] = json_decode(json_encode($item)));

     * Set Data
     * Set data from passed in field keys
    public function setData($acf)
        if (is_string($acf)) {
            $this->data = [$acf => get_field($acf)];

        if (is_array($acf)) {
                ->each(fn($item) => $this->data[$item] = get_field($item));


        // Convert the data to an object

     * Get Data
     * Return the data
     * @return array
    public function getData()
        return $this->data;
Log1x commented 2 years ago

Have you taken a look at https://github.com/roots/acorn/blob/main/src/Roots/Acorn/View/Composers/Concerns/AcfFields.php ?

kupoback commented 2 years ago

Have you taken a look at https://github.com/roots/acorn/blob/main/src/Roots/Acorn/View/Composers/Concerns/AcfFields.php ?

Yeah, I see it now, it's a lot cleaner, something I could adapt to instead of what I migrated above. I don't like the idea of get_fields() in an acf block, when I know what those field names are.

kupoback commented 2 years ago

So I took a look at the above Class again, and played around with a bit more, and ended up with this. However, I will admit I am not super familiar with Laravel Class and methods, so I would love to know if this is the right route? I had to actually call to the toJson() method, and decode it to get the results i was looking for.

public function getFields()
    return collect($this->data)
        ->mapWithKeys(fn($value) => [$value => get_field($value)])
        ->mapWithKeys(function ($value, $key) {
            $value = is_array($value)
                ? json_decode((new Fluent($value))->toJson())
                : $value;
            $method = Str::camel($key);
            return [$key => method_exists($this, $method) ? $this->{$method}($value) : $value];
Log1x commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the late reply. That looks good. You could maybe do (object) $value instead of the json_decode() but I don't think that will handle objects recursively.

Going to close this for now as it's not entirely in scope for ACF Composer at the moment – although what you have does look useful. 😄