Log1x / acf-composer

Compose ACF Fields, Blocks, Widgets, and Option Pages with ACF Builder on Sage 10.
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Fix default alignment for blocks #185

Closed marcbelletre closed 4 months ago

marcbelletre commented 7 months ago

The default values for align_text and align_content don't work currently.

I figured out that alignText and alignContent attributes are automatically added to the block definition when enabling support for these properties. The values of both properties don't reflect the default values that are set in the Block definition.

Let's say we have a simple Block that have centered text and content as default values.

 * The default block text alignment.
 * @var string
public $align_text = 'center';

 * The default block content alignment.
 * @var string
public $align_content = 'center';

 * The supported block features.
 * @var array
public $supports = [
    'align' => false,
    'align_text' => true,
    'align_content' => true,
    'full_height' => false,
    'anchor' => false,
    'mode' => false,
    'multiple' => true,
    'jsx' => true,

When adding a new block to the editor the defaults are not used.
If I dump the $block variable that is passed to the render function of src/Block.php I can see that alignText and alignContent are automatically set to left and top

array:29 [▼
  "name" => "acf/icon"
  "align" => ""
  "align_text" => "left"
  "align_content" => "top"
  "alignText" => "left"
  "alignContent" => "top"
  "_acf_context" => array:2 [▶]
  "id" => "block_79c01833-7af5-4fb7-8044-85de0dfb4006"

I think this bug has been introduced since ACF 6. According to this thread they have added the camel-case properties to match the block.json format.

We’ve fixed a few reported bugs with ACF Blocks in this build as well. For example, content after <InnerBlocks /> will now render correctly without the need to wrap it in another div, and alignText will now always default to the WordPress default of left rather than an empty string.

There is a comment referencing the same issue but no solution have been provided.

I found out that adding the alignText and alignContent properties to the block settings fixes the issue.

Log1x commented 4 months ago

Do we need both then?

Log1x commented 4 months ago

This was inadvertently handled in #224

marcbelletre commented 4 months ago

The default alignment option still does not work with the latest version.

I have a simple Icon block with the following definition:


namespace App\Blocks;

use Log1x\AcfComposer\Block;
use StoutLogic\AcfBuilder\FieldsBuilder;

class Icon extends Block
     * The block name.
     * @var string
    public $name = 'Icon';

     * The default block text alignment.
     * @var string
    public $align_text = 'center';

     * The default block content alignment.
     * @var string
    public $align_content = 'center';

    // ...

When I insert a new Icon block in the editor, the alignment is set to left instead of being centered.

If I switch back to the patch I provided the block is centered as it should be.

Log1x commented 4 months ago

Sorry about that, I got confused and thought this change was inside of $supports which now automatically handles casing.

marcbelletre commented 4 months ago

No problem, thanks for merging!