Log1x / acf-composer

Compose ACF Fields, Blocks, Widgets, and Option Pages with ACF Builder on Sage 10.
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InnerBlocks DOM changes after caching #231

Closed joshuafredrickson closed 3 months ago

joshuafredrickson commented 3 months ago

~I'm not 100% this is related to #230, but I have a feeling they might be in some way.~ Edit: It is not related.

I'm attempting to add classes to InnerBlocks like so: <InnerBlocks class="bg-gray-50 p-3" />

This works as expected when the blocks are cached via acf:cache: .block-editor-block-list__layout has the additional classes assigned to it.


However, when the blocks aren't cached (acf:clear), an additional wrapper is added (.block-editor-inner-blocks) and no additional classes are added to .block-editor-block-list__layout:


I haven't jumped too deep into this yet, but I'm hoping you might have an idea of what be happening.


Log1x commented 3 months ago

Will be a few days before I can look into this but it might be related to https://github.com/Log1x/acf-composer/blob/master/src/Block.php#L468-L477

With the cached blocks, we're utilizing render_template instead – its possible it could be as easy as changing that from render_callback but there might be more to it.

joshuafredrickson commented 3 months ago

Awesome. I'll see if I look into this a bit further this week. Thanks!

Log1x commented 3 months ago

I looked into this a bit and it is not related to render_callback – it seems like the block gets rendered differently in the editor when registered with JSON but I'm not entirely sure where/what is doing it.

The easiest fix might be wrapping <innerBlocks /> with a div instead for the moment if it's an option.

joshuafredrickson commented 3 months ago


Digging in a bit more, it looks like an upstream ACF issue. acf_block_version for cached/json blocks is 2 and uncached is 1.

Looks like this is assigned in advanced-custom-fields-pro/pro/blocks.php:acf_register_block_type:

    if (! isset($block['acf_block_version'])) {
        $block['acf_block_version'] = 1;

To fix for now, I used the acf/register_block_type_args filter:

add_filter('acf/register_block_type_args', function (array $block): array {
    $block['acf_block_version'] = 2;
    return $block;

~I'm still muddy as to why this is happening on ACF's end and what the reasoning is, but that's for another day I think.~

Sorry for the edits. I didn't end up saving it for another day.

Looking at this post, it lead me to add 'acf_block_version' => 2, to the $settings collection. This fixed the mismatch between cached and uncached blocks.

Whipping up a PR now for reference/proof of concept.