Log1x / acf-composer

Compose ACF Fields, Blocks, Widgets, and Option Pages with ACF Builder on Sage 10.
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Passing data with provides_context and uses_context #243

Open jeroenbranje opened 2 months ago

jeroenbranje commented 2 months ago


I was wondering if it's possible to send data from a parent block to the child block using the context. Found this https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/using-context-with-acf-blocks/ but i'm not able to get it working.

Not sure if it's possible or maybe you have an example how to pass the data correctly.

Thanks in advance!

Log1x commented 2 months ago

I haven't used context so maybe someone else can chime in.

It's been previously discussed here which might help.

tombroucke commented 1 month ago

ACF Fields

If you only need to pass the ACF field, you can use the method described in your link. I tested this and it works just fine.

In your parent block: public $provides_context = ['acf/fields' => 'data']; In your child block: public $uses_context = ['acf/fields']; In your child-block.blade.php file: {{ $block->context['acf/fields']['field_name'] }}

Custom data

If you want to pass custom data, you can try this method: I have a block acf/tabs with multiple innerBlocks acf/tab-item. I need to pass data from / to innerblock siblings.

I added public $uses_context = ['sage/parentData']; to my acf/tab-item (child) block. No need to add the $provides_context property to the parent block since we are adding the value with a filter.

Add the filter:

add_filter('render_block_context', function ($context, $parsedBlock, $parentBlock) {
    if ('acf/tabs' === $parsedBlock['blockName']) {
        $firstTabTitle = collect($parsedBlock['innerBlocks'])
            ->map(function ($block) {
                return $block['attrs']['data']['title'];

        $context['sage/parentData'] = [
            'firstTabTitle' => $firstTabTitle,
    return $context;
}, 10, 3);

Now I can use the value in my tab-item.blade.php file: {{ $block->context['sage/parentData']['firstTabTitle'] }}