Log1x / navi

A developer-friendly alternative to the WordPress NavWalker.
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Missing classes #83

Open designlobby opened 1 month ago

designlobby commented 1 month ago

I'm new to navi v3 and trying to familiarise myself - I'm getting an issue where the default menu classes aren't generating apart from (when on the relevant page):

I'm looking in MenuBuilder.php and think this may be expected behaviour(?).

I can work with the @props classes, but I'm also not seeing the menu-item-has-children class on parent items, and it doesn't look to be in the $disallowedClasses list. Should we be adding our own custom classes for this now?

Thank you!

Log1x commented 1 month ago

Checking current default behavior for ->classes, it is actually wrong and classes such as:

menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category current-menu-item

should be getting trimmed off with this originally being a Str::contains() check before rewriting Navi for non-Acorn WordPress installs.

I hadn't noticed as I never use or depend on ->classes unless I'm expecting a custom menu item class and instead will just check ->active and other conditions and add my Tailwind classes accordingly.

By design, Navi is supposed to remove all default classes so you entirely control the markup through and through.

That being said, this definitely deserves proper tests, a major release "fixing" the current default classes not getting trimmed off as originally intended (also fixing #78), and a chain-able method on the Navi instance so you can customize/control the default class disallow behavior for edge-cases or preference.

I will try to do all this when I get time. 😅