LoganMeitz / votefinder

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Models cleanup #14

Closed rjmagley closed 1 year ago

rjmagley commented 1 year ago

Looking through models.py, I'm seeing some models that aren't actually referenced/called anywhere - or if they are, it's in stubs of features we probably don't want to support right now (like users PMing each other through VF instead of their forum or Discord). They're not breaking anything, but it's just more code to look at.

rjmagley commented 1 year ago

The BlogPost model appears to be generally unused but I have a feeling from context that it's used for like, messages from the server admin to players? I'll have to look into it and see if that's something we want to worry about, and/or if it actually works - I don't think I've ever seen it used?

Votefinder supports two total communities ATM that have their own threads relating to Votefinder that we can communicate with.

rjmagley commented 1 year ago

Also for some reason, forms are hanging out with models? By convention, forms hang out in forms.py - they don't have to be there, but it's good organization.

rjmagley commented 1 year ago

The PrivMsg model is declared but never used - IDK if that's something VF 1.0 did, or if that was something Alli wanted to implement but didn't get around to, but if we want to implement that functionality we can do it along with some other game management overhaul stuff.

rjmagley commented 1 year ago

Yep, that BlogPost model has entries that are 11 to 13 years old. I think we may as well keep it around, it may be useful in the future and it's better than casually trying to excise it now, missing something and being confused later.