LoganMeitz / votefinder

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Models update #17

Closed rjmagley closed 1 year ago

rjmagley commented 1 year ago

This PR does two small things. First, it tidies up the models a bit by removing an unused model, adding a setting to settings.py so that there are no warnings about model defaults when the application starts, and doing some migrations.

The bigger change is that users can, on their profile, now select their theme, set their pronouns, and provide a Discord username - both pronouns and the Discord username can be left blank if a player doesn't want to specify. Players that provide a Discord username will have that username appear on their player profile.

This will be a little more useful with a future PR where I revamp some of the game moderation stuff, including generating a list of players and their Discord usernames for easy invitation to servers, confirmation that all players are present, making it easier to reach out and say "hey remember to join the server", etc.