LogicReinc / LogicReinc.BlendFarm

A stand-alone Blender Network Renderer
GNU General Public License v3.0
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custom frame output name #11

Open Lynchon83 opened 2 years ago

Lynchon83 commented 2 years ago


In our job we need to render multiple frames which aren't part of an animation, think of it as a list of cameras, this is because it is not possible in blender to change the active camera while rendering, therefore we just create an animation for our main camera an render each frame. From each position (which is related to an object in the scene) we get the objects name save it in a frame marker and use it as the output file name for each frame, we do all this using bpy.ops.render.render directly from our addon. I understand scripts aren't enabled in logicreinc.blendfarm, so, given our naming method for naming animation frames how could we get similar results using your rendering farm software?

Just to be clear, we need each rendered frame from an animation to be named as its frame marker: image


LogicReinc commented 2 years ago

Hey Lychon83,

This would require BlendFarm to get feedback from its render clients. This could be possible in the future, atm such feedback is not part of the system.

At the moment I'm a bit low on time but I'll label it as a potential feature for the future. For now I'm afraid you'll have to rename the files yourself. Alternatively you could export the frame markets and make a script that renames a set of files automatically by running it.

Note that in your specific example you can just set S_ENTRANCE-1-#.png (but I assume that's not what you want).

atoav commented 1 year ago

If I can add something here, in Blender we can name outputs like ####.png and blender zero-pads the file names (to create 0001.png, 0002.png etc). I tried this with BlendFarm and it did not work. This is not super crucial, but I .know some programs won't load image sequences that are not using these zero fills (I can't recall which, maybe it was after effects?)