Logically2ed / NICUWatch

Independent project
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Code Review #1 #2

Open jeliceiri opened 2 years ago

jeliceiri commented 2 years ago

Design/Code Review 1

Project: NICU watch

Developer: Blake McFarlane

Reviewer: Jill Eliceiri

Item Considerations Comments/Suggestions
Reviewer comments and suggestions go here. Each item should have at least one "kudos" and two suggestions for improvement
Problem Statement 1. Accurately describes project purpose
2. Is professional and free of typos, slang, etc.
3. Fully explains the problem and the solution
4. Is understandable by the average person
-Awesome project idea, I love love love it!
-Consider adding your API to your project list.
-Btw, UW-Madison NICU has something similar to this: they have a tablet in the room for parent guardian to look up some info, but not much is listed in there.
Design Documentation 1. Navigation/flow through the application is logical and easy to use.
2. The order in which values are displayed are logical and easy to understand/use
3. The order in which the form fields entered are logical and easy to understand/use
4. All data discussed/documented (problem statement, flow, db design, etc.) is represented on the screens
-Design wireframes look great!
-Should there be a user story for a provider to add information? (this could be a future version and not the MVP)
-The guardian dashboard user story might have room to be flushed out a little more: find out more info about exactly what on the screen? Maybe find one thing and keep it simple for this mvp.
- The Project Plan has some information in there that is relavent to the user stories: Phase 1 #4 and #5 has some specified user stories. The project plan can be used as a weekly task todo with deadlines listed.
Data model/Database 1. Everything on the screens and problem statement/flow is represented in the model
2. There is at least one 1-to-many relationship.
3. The model represents good database design
-WIP not able to review this section yet.
Code 1. Proper Maven project structure is used
2. a .gitignore file for IntelliJ Java projects has been implemented
3. There is not any redundant or copy/paste code in the JSPs or classes
4. Classes are appropriately-sized (no monster classes)
Property files are used appropriately: no hard-coded values
5. Logging statements are used rather than System.out.println and printStackTrace.
6. There are appropriate unit tests/code coverage.
-Source code not built yet - not able to review this section.