LoginRadius / cascade

Create your internal developers' portal
MIT License
2 stars 13 forks source link

Revamp the Open Source Page in the Developer Portal #8

Open mohammed786 opened 3 years ago

mohammed786 commented 3 years ago

Need to revamp the opensource page by adding the following feature:

  1. Create a config variable called ORGANIZATION_NAME which will be the GitHub id of the organization, based on that you need to fetch all the repositories and show it in the Card.
  2. Each Repository card should have the following information
    • Repo Name, description and Short intro using Readme file
    • List of Contributors - Each contributor should be shown as the rounded image and on hover, we should have some details of the person
    • Star and Fork button, there are various open utilities available which will give the count of star and fork.

You can check out the current opensource page localhost:3000/opensource

You can get the organization details from the github open API For eg : https://api.github.com/orgs/LoginRadius/ - LoginRadius

DevanshCodes commented 3 years ago

Can I work on this?

mohammed786 commented 3 years ago

Hey @DevanshCodes , assigned the task to you.

As part of hacktoberfest, LoginRadius is also giving free swags and goodies to its contributors. Please check out our Hacktoberfest Page and fill the form mentioned there to become eligible for free swags. :)

DevanshCodes commented 3 years ago

Thanks @mohammed786 I'm working on it!

X3NOSIZ commented 3 years ago

@DevanshCodes are you still working on it?