Logitech / logi_craft_sdk

Provide (API) SDK specifications to map your app functions to Logitech Craft dial controller called "Crown".
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So is this the SDK for Logitech Options, or just Craft? #38

Open durhambell opened 4 years ago

durhambell commented 4 years ago

This repo is clearly labeled as Craft SDK, and documents only the Craft Keyboard, but the SDK link in the Logitech Options settings panel resolves here. Is that just an incorrect link, or what? image

It seems pretty obvious that Logitech doesn't care about devs, at least independent ones. I have several stale support posts regarding the Adobe Premier Pro plugins that have been collecting dust for months now. It's disappointing, because these devices are well made, but the software that runs them is crap, and doesn't really adapt to anything other than a very narrow set of use cases. (Else why can't we use macros or modifiers with the MX series pointing devices in Logitech Options?)

I've been a loyal Logitech user for over 20 years, and this past year has pretty well put me off of their stuff altogether. I welcome being proven wrong, but I'll not hold my breath.

happystarling commented 4 years ago

I think "Options SDK" is wrong and making confusion. As far as I know Options related open SDK are only Craft keyboard. Options need to be 7.x version (before 8.00).

Premiere Pro has some known issue. If you disable NewWorldScript, I think it would work with Craft keyboard. At least it worked for me. But I've read some other issues.

To change scripting engine on PPro, search keyword "disable NewWorldScript" in this page: https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro/new-world-scripting-will-be-on-by-default-in-next-premiere-pro-release/td-p/10883816?page=1

In the worst case, you can disable application support from Logitech. And you can add your custom keys to crown turn (left/right) and press per application.

durhambell commented 4 years ago

Ah, thanks for attempting to clarify (the fault/confusion is on Logitech's end then...predictably). To clarify the clarification: I don't actually have Craft. I have a Logitech MX Ergo (trackball) for which it would be nice to have working support beyond the limited options in the (ironically named) Logitech Options utility. Currently I am using X-Mouse Button Control, which is a powerful app, albeit with a UI that could use some polish. It does, however, let me run macros which is a sorely missing function of LogiOptions.

The Premier Pro issue I had was that there was a plugin for the MX series pointing devices, but it didn't do anything and, for a while, would pop up an empty window randomly while using Premier Pro. Said empty window would glitch out the interface and then come back a few minutes/seconds after it was closed. It was incredibly annoying and the only way to solve the problem was to manually delete the plugin folder. The plugin was installed without any prompting during the LogiOptions installation.

Logitech at one time (ages ago) made one of the single best pointing devices I have ever used (the legendary Trackman Marble FX). Back then you could actually do more with their devices than you can now. It seems that all of their efforts are directed at gamers, but even then (I use one of their gaming keyboards, just not for gaming) they fall short on usability.

I really wish they would not link to/mention the SDK at all if it doesn't actually exist. The link has persisted for many updates, going back about 2 years (as far as I know/as long as I have had the device). It's frustrating to see a company that has such a large market share completely neglecting a significant section of their customer base. Even Adobe has gotten a lot better about not doing so (better, not that they don't just do whatever they want...see: CC pricing model 😑).

KevynTD commented 4 years ago

I thought it was very bad to buy such an expensive mouse and the Logitech Options options were very limited, I wanted to be able to edit and add functions for the MX Master series by code, as I am a programmer, and even just bought the mouse thinking about improving my productivity, but only this keyboard SDK appears instead something of the Logitec Options

The X-Mouse Button Control is very good, I used it quite a few years ago for some processes, but it does not recognize all logitec mouse buttons, and has a problem with the horizontal wheel in some cases.