Logitech / logi_craft_sdk

Provide (API) SDK specifications to map your app functions to Logitech Craft dial controller called "Crown".
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console errors running craft.exe #46

Open uncovery opened 3 years ago

uncovery commented 3 years ago

I have followed the steps for the Python example until I am running the compiled craft.exe.

Already when I run the craft.exe, I get the following error in the console (running under windows 10, Python 3.6)

slider receives focus
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "craft.py", line 338, in sliderFocus
  File "craft.py", line 353, in changeTool
NameError: name 'ws' is not defined
connect called...
--- request header ---
GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Sec-WebSocket-Key: LAIO0zsjgKBUVUrDNg7DdA==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Connection: upgrade
--- response header ---
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Server: WebSocket++/0.7.0
error from callback <bound method CraftClient.on_close of <__main__.CraftClient object at 0x0000021CFEF5CE48>>: on_close() missing 1 required positional argument: 'ws'
  File "websocket\_app.py", line 344, in _callback

Then, everytime I click on something in craft.exe, I get the following:

Slider receives focus
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "craft.py", line 338, in sliderFocus
  File "craft.py", line 353, in changeTool
  File "websocket\_app.py", line 156, in send
websocket._exceptions.WebSocketConnectionClosedException: Connection is already closed.

any idea what I need to change? Is this the same issue as https://github.com/Logitech/logi_craft_sdk/issues/22? The errors are slightly different though?