LogmeinRescue / iOS-SDK

Rescue In-App Support iOS SDK
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Framework should not include swiftsourceinfo when distributed #76

Open jamesdownsjr2913 opened 2 years ago

jamesdownsjr2913 commented 2 years ago

The RescueSDK is being included through Cocoapods. When building with Xcode 13.0, a new warning is thrown compared to Xcode 12.x. This warning indicates that the swiftsourceinfo is being included with the framework when being distributed. Swiftsourceinfo is not stable across Swift versions and doesn't need to be included with Frameworks when distributed and will now always throw this warning in consuming applications.

If building with xcodebuild build, using xcodebuild archive should not include the swiftsourceinfo files.

Warning thrown in Xcode 13.0:

simulator.swiftsourceinfo' is either malformed or generated by a different 
Swift version. Note that it uses an unstable format and may leak internal 
project details, it should not be distributed alongside modules
exceptioncatcher91 commented 2 years ago

@jamesdownsjr2913 Thanks for reporting this issue. We will presumably solve this issue in Q2 or Q3. We inform you in this thread, if it is done.

jamesdownsjr2913 commented 7 months ago

Following up @exceptioncatcher91 Has this issue been looked in to at this point or included in a change? I don't see the warning in Xcode 15.0 anymore when building but I don't know if that is because it was resolved intentionally or if there was a behavior change in Xcode that resolved it by circumstance

exceptioncatcher91 commented 5 months ago

@jamesdownsjr2913 Sorry for the late answer. We did not modify anything on our side, which means that the .swiftsourceinfo file is still the part of the framework. We have already fixed this issue on our side, and the next version of the SDK will not contain the .swiftsourceinfo files. Thanks for your valuable remark.