Closed lucasroblin closed 8 years ago
Me too, i'm french ^^
When I open the "france.json" file in the folder "Translations", some words are already translated in the variables (I don't know if it's the correct word) like "Mot de passe" for "password" and "Mètres" for "meters".
Plus, the variables (still don't know if it's the right word) have their first letter in capital. That may have a consequence.
Trying to correct those mistakes, when i open the bot, the "france.json" file gets back to its inital form... or is it because I have another bot window running on...?
That's the correct translation, but i don't know why it's not working ..
I wasn't sayng the translation isn't right. (je suis français, donc je vois bien que c'est traduit comme il faut)
if you open "france.json" file with a text editor, you'll see : "Mètres": "mètres"
But I think it should be "meters": "mètres"
same for "Mot de passe".
don't put capital on the first letter like this : { "accountType": "Type de compte:", "username": "Nom d'Utilisateur", "password": "Mot de passe", "locationSettings": "Paramètres de localisation", "speed": "Vitesse", "MoveRadius": "Rayon", "meters": "mètres", "startFromDefaultLocation": "Démarrer depuis la localisation par défaut", "botSettings": "Paramètres Bot", "autoTransferDoublePokemon": "Transfert Pokémon en double", "maxDupPokemon": "Max Pokemon en double.", "maxCPtransfer": "Max CP pour transférer.", "maxIVtransfer": "Max IV pour transférer.", "telegramSettings": "Paramètres de télégramme", "infoline1": "Ce bot est totalement gratuit et Open-Source, si vous avez payé pour ce bot, demandez un remboursement immédiat", "infoline2": "Chaque fois que vous trouvez quelque chose lié à 'Pokecrot', il s'agit d'un plagiat", "maxPokeballs": "Max Pokéballs ", "maxGreatballs": "Max SuperBalls", "maxUltraballs": "Max HyperBalls.", "maxMasterballs": "Max MasterBalls.", "maxRevives": "Max Rappel.", "maxTopRevives": "Max Rappel Max.", "maxPotions": "Max Potions.", "maxSuperpotions": "SuperPotions Max.", "maxHyperpotions": " HyperPotions Max.", "maxToppotions": "Max Potions Max .", "maxRazzberrys": "Max Baie Framby.", "totalCount": "Nombre total", "pokemonNotToTransfer": "Pokemon - Ne pas Transférer", "selectAll": "Sélectionner tout", "pokemonNotToCatch": "Pokemon - Ne pas capturer", "pokemonNotToEvolve": "Pokemon - évoluer", "saveConfig": "Enregistrer les paramètres / Lancer le Bot", "otherSettings": "Autres paramètres", "useLuckyeggAtEvolve": "Utilisez Oeuf Chance pour évoluer", "germanPokemonNames": "noms allemands de Pokémon", "useIncese": "Utiliser l'encens toutes les 30min", "evolvePokemonIfEnoughCandy": "Évoluer le Pokemon si vous avez assez de bonbons", "enablePokemonListGUI": "Activer Liste des Pokémon", "keepPokemonWhichCanBeEvolved": "Gardez Pokémon qui peut être évolué" }
i can't do the modification
Still have this problem, the french flag don't translate the bot, that's staying in english.