Logxn / PokemonGo-Bot

A full functional bot that can act like the normal phone app
GNU General Public License v3.0
10 stars 3 forks source link

Bot Death ??? #4102

Closed SkolgeaR closed 8 years ago

SkolgeaR commented 8 years ago

Today, Niantic launch a forced update, in iOS and Android. I run bot this morning, early. But in 20 minutes, i opened in my other account, and no works.

Bot no works for me, tested in three accounts.

In this moment, bot works for you ?? Is only me ??

BungaBungaParty commented 8 years ago

Working for me. Pokemongo version forced yesterday or day before on me 0.39. No problem botting.

SkolgeaR commented 8 years ago

Wow! Hope i dont get banned. For me show this;


SkolgeaR commented 8 years ago

What is ???

[11:04:43] Error: Google.Protobuf [11:04:43] Google.Protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException: SkipLastField called on an end-group tag, indicating that the corresponding start-group was missing en Google.Protobuf.CodedInputStream.SkipLastField

SkolgeaR commented 8 years ago

Ok, run now. I always used HotSpot Shield, but now, if a active it, bot not run. I dont know why ... With Hotspot Shield OFF, bot run fine.

dieter90210 commented 8 years ago

¿is your login info correct?

eengg commented 8 years ago

All apps are forced to 0.39.1 currently any use of bot will be detected easily. API 0.35 still working but pretty unsafe

coffeexp commented 8 years ago

Thank you bot for stopping right after the app update.. :) i feel safe.. lol

totalyfailed8 commented 8 years ago

@DiieH okay . i will try for 30-50 kmh haha ^^

totalyfailed8 commented 8 years ago

@DiieH 10 -15kmh for sure.. worried bout that ban zzzz

coffeexp commented 8 years ago

this message.. if you restart the bot now, it will not run.. i was afk for 4hrs earlier.. and when i got back, this was the message in my console now.. :) stop

DiieH commented 8 years ago

coffee this error is new 5 mins old ^^

coffeexp commented 8 years ago

yep.. the minute i came back home, it forced to close.. so i was safe earlier.. haha

rambotnik commented 8 years ago

is bot working now?

totalyfailed8 commented 8 years ago

im scared @DiieH hahaahahaa . just 15kmh . hmm

totalyfailed8 commented 8 years ago

i started 28 oct . still 23 . sad life ~

pahadiboy commented 8 years ago

uh-oh ! RIP bot (2016-2016)

totalyfailed8 commented 8 years ago

@DiieH yes still work but catch on 210% . how come be so perfect exp haha

rambotnik commented 8 years ago

wtf is button force unban :-D

DiieH commented 8 years ago

with only this bot i can unban me ^^

totalyfailed8 commented 8 years ago

@DiieH u use 500 meters?

totalyfailed8 commented 8 years ago

okay then i will try for a new acc . jyeah!

pahadiboy commented 8 years ago

yes please

rambotnik commented 8 years ago

i hope that it will be fixed soon :(

Adj1e commented 8 years ago

@DiieH I bot in central park ny to, I set start in oak bridge. I set 50Km and 5Km. Now I lvl 37, 30, 26 and 20. LOL

FYI Guys : I login in my phone with new pogo apps 37 and Im not get ban till now. I login with acount 30 and I just login to claim coin. I have 23 pokemon at gym

iNoobaS commented 8 years ago

does the old bot version still works?

Takunro commented 8 years ago

Yep... it´s still working

Zestiria00 commented 8 years ago

i dont think you can bot farm because they get soft ban after like 20mins

Ar1i commented 8 years ago

You get banned if you use the old API. @Dieh dont upload files and post here.

coffeexp commented 8 years ago

now here goes the start of a flamethread from a jealous butthurt...

Ar1i commented 8 years ago

@DiieH kid? You write like a little butthurt kid :) Blocked.