It is currently possible to parse more variants than can be placed in intervals.
gimble._set_intervals() to be called before gimble._set_variants()
filtering of variant position array by interval position array (based on all samples)
Possibly related to Noora's issue:
[+] Running 'gimble blocks'
[+] Parameters = [-l 64 -m 128 -u 3 -i 3]
[#] Preflight...
[#] Making blocks...
[%] Building blocks : 0%| | 0.00/330 [00:02<?, ?it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gIMble/./gIMble", line 8, in <module>
File "/data/lohse/drosophila/analyses/18_gimble/combined_ref/gIMble/cli/", line 69, in main
File "/data/lohse/drosophila/analyses/18_gimble/combined_ref/gIMble/cli/", line 61, in main
File "/data/lohse/drosophila/analyses/18_gimble/combined_ref/gIMble/lib/", line 1039, in blocks
File "/data/lohse/drosophila/analyses/18_gimble/combined_ref/gIMble/lib/", line 2659, in _make_blocks
block_sites = genotype_to_mutype_array(sa_sample_set_genotype_array, idx_block_sites_in_pos, block_sites, debug)
File "/data/lohse/drosophila/analyses/18_gimble/combined_ref/gIMble/lib/", line 462, in genotype_to_mutype_array
block_sites[idx_block_sites_in_pos] = szudzik_pairing(folded_minor_allele_counts) + 2 # add 2 so that not negative for bincount
ValueError: NumPy boolean array indexing assignment cannot assign 616352 input values to the 621913 output values where the mask is true```
It is currently possible to parse more variants than can be placed in intervals.
to be called beforegimble._set_variants()
Possibly related to Noora's issue: