Closed juanitagutierrez closed 10 months ago
Hi I met with the same issue. Any idea of the problem?
Hi both,
At the moment gimbleprep
only supports vcfs generated by freebayes
. I totally get this is probably frustrating from your end. What we actually need is a parser that translates any vcf into an array to be used by gimble
, using sgkit
for example. If any of you would be up for that challenge then definitely let us know and we'll give you pointers on how to get started. (see #19)
Hi, it turns out this is not an issue with the input but the software setup. check here:
installing gimbleprep using conda install -c bioconda vcflib=1.0.3 tabixpp=1.1.0 gimbleprep
solves the problem. I highly recommend adding this to the condo package or in the user manual
Thanks @XieHongX for looking into this! I will pin these package requirements.
I am using
. The job proceeds as expected until it has to create the filtered vcf (note: it does createmulti_callable.bed
).These are the commands I am using:
source activate gimbleprep_again
conda activate gimbleprep_again
gimbleprep --fasta_file assembly_final_corrected.fa --vcf_file prefiltered.biallelic_snp.inv.masked_reps.ab_0.2_0.8.subset_6000000.vcf.gz --bam_dir bam_files --snpgap 2 --min_qual 8 --min_depth 10 --max_depth 2 --threads 6 --keep_tmp --outprefix test_gimbleprep
The error:
bcftools norm --threads 6 -Ov -f path/to/assembly_final_corrected.fa path/to/prefiltered.biallelic_snp.inv.masked_reps.ab_0.2_0.8.subset_6000000.vcf.gz | vcfallelicprimitives --keep-info --keep-geno -t decomposed | bcftools plugin fill-AN-AC --threads 6 -Oz | bcftools filter --threads 6 -Oz -s Qual -m+ -e 'QUAL<10' | bcftools filter --threads 6 -Oz -m+ -s+ --SnpGap 2 | bcftools filter --threads 6 -Oz -e 'TYPE!="snp"' -s NonSnp -m+ > tmp_gimble_ape6un8i/vcf.filtered.vcf.gz
(STDERR): 'Failed to read from standard input: unknown file type\nFailed to read from standard input: unknown file type\nFailed to read from standard input: unknown file type\nFailed to read from standard input: unknown file type'
Also, I must clarify that I used
instead offreebayes
to create the vcf. Is this expected to cause issues of this kind? Since I knew that the main problem would be that allele imbalance filters couldn't be applied unlessfreebayes
was used, I also pre-filtered for allele imbalance usingbcftools
. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!