LohseLab / gimbleprep

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after running gimble parse, gimble.vcf.gz is null #29

Open kuangzhuoran opened 4 months ago

kuangzhuoran commented 4 months ago

my command is gimbleprep -f ./galili.fa -b ./galili.bam -v ./galili.golani.rename.vcf.gz -k -t 40

GertjanBisschop commented 4 months ago

Thanks @kuangzhuoran for reporting this. Could you provide a bit more information so we can try and reproduce the error?

Note though that the -b flag should be followed by a directory of bam files, not an actual bam file.

kuangzhuoran commented 4 months ago


kuangzhuoran commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the reply, the -b parameter follows a folder。 Do I need to take a portion of the input file and send it to you. I have now uploaded the log file

kuangzhuoran commented 4 months ago

I used gatk to extract the SNPs, but it was running successfully before. bam file is using sambaba to remove PCR duplicates!

GertjanBisschop commented 4 months ago

Can you be more specific about gimble.vcf.gz is null? What does the output look like? Obviously, gimbleprep is a filtering step. Is it possible that after applying filters there are no more SNPs left?

kuangzhuoran commented 4 months ago

gimble vcf Only the header

kuangzhuoran commented 4 months ago

“Is it possible that after applying filters there are no more SNPs left”

It's possible.