LoikRevillon / snipeg

PHP5 / SQLite Snippet Manager
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Suggest tag cloud #3

Open helmerfud opened 12 years ago

helmerfud commented 12 years ago

hello, i have tested Snipeg and i found it very usefull, thank you.

I have fork your project to proposed you a tag cloud function in the search page. This tag cloud function answer my need.

you can view the result in repo https://github.com/helmerfud/Snipeg.git branch "tagcloud"

I hope this help you.

Bye Helmer Fud

LoikRevillon commented 12 years ago


Well, you're welcome. Thanks you about the feedback and for being interested by this project.

Tags cloud is a nice idea. I guess we talked about this during Snipeg development, without add it finally. Ghislain would keep Snipeg as straightforward as possible, focus on the main purpose (what i also agreed).

However, we may plan to rewrite a part of Snipeg (maybe all of it) as soon as we'll be less busy. Btw, i guess we'll add some features. We must, at least, add a plugin system, or something looking like it. It will make able anyone to add nice features. I hope that.

Meanwhile, you should keep with your tag cloud up (well done btw) and try to keep an eye on Snipeg. Who know, It could move to the next release sometime. :)

Regards. Snipeg Team.