Lokaltog / candybar

WebKit-based status bar for tiling window managers.
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System tray #73

Open oystedal opened 10 years ago

oystedal commented 10 years ago

I tried out candybar on i3, and while the first impression was positive, I was missing the system tray that is present in i3bar. I'm guessing this could be implemented as a separate widget, allowing it to be visible for those who want it and hidden otherwise.

Having a system tray in candybar would greatly increase its usefulness, as tray icons/applets usually offer quick access to information, features and settings that may be too complex or too specific for a widget to handle itself.

A good example is the NetworkManager applet, which provides both information about the current connection, and options for selecting different network connections as well as other network-related configuration settings.

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acrisci commented 10 years ago

I've done an Xembed implementation and they are truly awful.

I've been thinking about doing a library for tray managers to make things a bit easier. If the project wants to go in that direction, I can add some priority to that.

Lokaltog commented 10 years ago

I want tray support, but I haven't had time to dive into the docs on how to actually implement it yet.

@acrisci It would be awesome with a tray manager library, if you decide to write one I'd definitely use it for a system tray in this project!