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A crate to help you go wide. By which I mean use SIMD stuff.
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How to create i32x8 from two m128i? #78

Closed RazrFalcon closed 3 years ago

RazrFalcon commented 3 years ago

I wanted to add SSSE3 fallback to f32x8::trunc_int, so I've naively wrote:

else if #[cfg(target_feature="ssse3")] {
    i32x8 { sse0: truncate_m128_to_m128i(self.sse0), sse1: truncate_m128_to_m128i(self.sse1) }

But since sse0/sse1 are private, I cannot do this. Is there an another way?

RazrFalcon commented 3 years ago
