LokiMidgard / Bes-Music

A Windows 10 (including Mobile) Music player that downloads your Music from OneDrive and Syncs your Playlists between devices.
MIT License
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App crashes after sign-in with an ItemNotFound error #15

Open surya-sk opened 1 year ago

surya-sk commented 1 year ago

Hi, the app shows me the same error on PC and mobile, whenever I hit sync. image The 'Synchronize Now' button on the Albums section doesn't work at all. The Playlist one shows the error and crashes.

LokiMidgard commented 1 year ago

That's interresting.

Do I get it correctly, It dose never Syced?

Sync may take some time, and it will show "Download 1 Song" in a small font on top.

Is your folder the special music folder? You can test it

https://developer.microsoft.com/de-DE/graph/graph-explorer with the request https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/special/music You need to be looged in otherwise you get dummy data.

It should look something like this: image

That's the first thing I could imagen which it does not find.

surya-sk commented 1 year ago

Yes, it never syncs. It says Downloading 1 song and crashes after.

I've run that in Graph Explorer and it looks like it is a special folder. image

LokiMidgard commented 1 year ago

if you click on the webUrl link it should bring you to onedrive, is it the folder you expect?

I created a new OneDrive Acconut and it did not have a music folder, creating a folder calld Musik did not help

surya-sk commented 1 year ago

Nope. I didn't have a Music folder by default either iirc. Is there a way to make it one? image

LokiMidgard commented 1 year ago

It seems like it, if you use the graphExplorer.

call https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/special/music/children that should return an error, something like not enough rights.

You can give graphExplorer more rights, by clicing on your avatar on the top right there should be an link displayed under your mail adress, My UI is german, so I don't know what it is called in your ui, but when you click it there should be a list.

select ReadWrite under Files image

After confirmng the request from above shuld create the folder.

If not, try to create a folder in Music by changing from GET to POST and add

    "name": "New Folder",
    "folder": {}


If that works I need to think how to implement this in the App. I actually liked that I only need read access, so a user can be sure I don't accendently delete all there music…

surya-sk commented 1 year ago

I had to create the new folder, but the app works now. Thanks for the help! Read access only would have been ideal, yeah. Looks like OneDrive used to come with a Music folder but they removed it later on. Maybe you could have the user choose the folder?

LokiMidgard commented 1 year ago

I guss it had one in the past or XBox-/Groove-Music created it.

But yes selectiong a differerent folder would be an option. It will take some time untill I got this I fear…

Thank you for finding this Bug :)

surya-sk commented 1 year ago

No worries. I'll see if I can put in a pull request when I have the time. I've been meaning to implement a live tile anyway.