Lomotif / lomotif-android-issues

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[2.0.9 (139)] Google Pixel / 7.1.1 - Error message as "Oop's something..." is displayed when user taps on "Recover" button without entering email address or invalid email fomat. #1193

Open Aboli-Testershub opened 7 years ago

Aboli-Testershub commented 7 years ago

Frequency: Every time

Precondition: User should not be logged in to the app.

Action: 1: Launch the app. 2: Tap on "User icon", navigate to "Sign up/ Log in" screen. 3: Tap on "Log in"option. 4: Tap on "Forget Password" link. 5: Navigate to "Recover Password" screen. 6: Tap on "Recover" button or enter invalid email format(for e.g. "test@"). 7: Check if error message "Oop's something.." is displayed.

Expected result: Relevant error message should be displayed when user tap on Recover button without entering email or invalid email format.

Actual result: Error message as "Oop's something..." is displayed when user taps on "Recover" button without entering email or invalid email format.

Please refer attached screenshot for more details: 37

Aishwarya-Testershub commented 7 years ago

@xiuie I can reproduce this issue for build [2.0.9 (139)] Samsung Galaxy S4 / 5.0.1